Working Group Members

Discussion Forum on Metrology for Satellite Observations (CCPR-WG-SP-TG17)


Dr Emma Woolliams

National Physical Laboratory

United Kingdom

Dr Michelle Stephens

National Institute of Standards and Technology

United States of America

CCPR-WG-SP-TG17 mission

Terms of reference

  • To provide a consistent and coordinated response from the NMI radiometry community to the needs of the satellite-observation communities, particularly those related to climate change.


  • Review the relevant documented requirements from the community relating to satellite observations, including:
    • The BIPM-WMO Metrology for Climate Action (2022) report (aka “Report”), recommendations 1A.1, 1B.2, 1B.8 – 1B.11, 1C.1 – 1C.7, 1D.1, 1D.4, 1D.6, 1D.9, 1E.1, 2D.1
    • The CEOS-GSICS SI-Traceable Space-Based Climate Observation System (2019) report (doi: 10.47120/npl.9319)
    • The 2005 report “Satellite instrument calibration for measuring global climate change: Report of a workshop”, published in BAMS. (doi: 10.1175/BAMS-86-9-1303)
  • Document the current capabilities of NMIs and research institutes and their potential for near-term observation improvement capabilities.
  • Produce a roadmap for the development/implementation of radiometric capability to provide calibration services for optical (UV, visible, SWIR, thermal IR) satellite sensors (pre- and post-launch)
    • Establish whether more specific reference standards and/or comparisons are needed to support the confidence in delivered SI-traceability to satellite sensor calibrations,
    • Define and structure research projects to develop such references / comparisons (satellite-relevant CMC claims, e.g., for radiance/radiance responsivity).
  • Recommend specific areas where funding could enable meeting the Report and roadmap objectives. Consider what is best done collaboratively, independently or by a single NMI, and review options for funding in national and international programmes.
  • Provide a formal two-way liaison with the relevant satellite-observation international committees, e.g., CEOS WGCV, GSICS.
  • Provide formal recommendations for NMI management and funding agencies.
  • Coordinate with relevant CCs (e.g., CCEM, CCT, CCQM, CCTF) on non-radiometric satellite sensor requirements.

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