Working documents
Measurement of the neutron emission rate of an Am-Be (alpha,n) source AMN-1000-1096 according to the intercomparison program
N.N. Moisseev
Measurement of the neutron source strength of a spontaneous fission source based on 244Cm and 252Cf by the calorimetric method
N.N. Moisseev
Recent Activities on Neutron Standardization at the Electrotechnical Laboratory
K. Kudo
IRD/LNMRI Neutron Laboratory progress report 2000-2001
Thu May 17 00:00:00 GMT 2001
Present status of the manganese sulfate bath at the LNMRI,
E. S. da Fonseca
Thu May 17 00:00:00 GMT 2001
New quantities (Hp e H*) in neutron monitor calibration
E. S. da Fonseca
Thu May 17 00:00:00 GMT 2001
Technical activities of the Neutron Interactions and Dosimetry Group, Ionizing Radiation Division, NIST
Thu Jul 05 00:00:00 GMT 2001
Report of the activities of the Neutron Physics Unit with regard to neutron fluence intercomparisons and measurements for standard cross sections
A.J.M. Plompen
Fri May 25 00:00:00 GMT 2001
A brief description of the VNIIM's facilities for measuring of neutron flux and neutron fluence rate
Tue May 29 00:00:00 GMT 2001
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