
Resolution 8 of the 23rd CGPM (2007)

On financial arrears of Member States

The 23rd General Conference,

recalling that

Article 6 al. 6 to 8 of the Rules annexed to the Metre Convention reads:

«6. Si un État est demeuré trois années sans effectuer le versement de sa contribution, celle ci est répartie entre les autres États, au prorata de leurs propres contributions. Les sommes supplémentaires, versées ainsi par les États pour parfaire le montant de la dotation du Bureau, sont considérées comme une avance faite à l'État retardataire, et leur sont remboursées si celui-ci vient à acquitter ses contributions arriérées.
7. Les avantages et prérogatives conférés par l'adhésion à la Convention du Mètre sont suspendus à l'égard des États déficitaires de trois années.
8. Après trois nouvelles années, l'État déficitaire est exclu de la Convention, et le calcul des contributions est rétabli conformément aux dispositions de l'article 20 du présent Règlement.»

and Article 11 of the Metre Convention reads:

«11. Les Gouvernements qui useraient de la faculté, réservée à tout État, d'accéder à la présente Convention, seront tenus d'acquitter une contribution dont le montant sera déterminé par le Comité sur les bases établies à l'article 9, et qui sera affectée à l'amélioration du matériel scientifique du Bureau.»


  • the importance of the work carried out by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) and the services delivered to Member States,
  • the absolute necessity that contributions of Member States be paid timely and consistently to allow the BIPM to fulfil its mission and to avoid financial problems in the day-to-day operation of the BIPM,
  • the need to define the decision-making process and a procedure governing the recovery of arrears and exclusion,

invites Member States which have failed to fulfil their financial obligations to pay their outstanding arrears,

decides that:

  • when a Member State has not paid its contributions for six years, the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM) shall send to the defaulting Member State a formal notification inviting it to fulfil its financial obligations and reminding it of the procedure governing the recovery of arrears and exclusion. Such a notification shall be sent no later than nine months before the next meeting of the General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM),
  • the CIPM may enter into a rescheduling agreement with that defaulting Member State for the payment of its arrears,
  • if, further to the above-mentioned notification, a Member State persists in its failure to fulfil its financial obligations or does not perform its obligations under an agreement with the CIPM, the latter shall recommend to the CGPM to take a decision with regard to the exclusion of that State in accordance with Article 6 al. 8 of the Rules annexed to the Metre Convention,
  • the exclusion shall be notified by the CGPM to that Member State through the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which shall accordingly inform all Member States,
  • an excluded Member State may only again accede to the Metre Convention if its remaining arrears have been paid. Pursuant to Article 11 of the Metre Convention, that Member State shall pay an entrance contribution equal to its first annual contribution,
  • a Member State which withdraws may only again accede to the Metre Convention if its remaining arrears have been paid. Pursuant to Article 11 of the Metre Convention, that Member State shall pay an entrance contribution equal to its first annual contribution.

DOI : 10.59161/CGPM2007RES8E

The reader should note that the official version of this Resolution is the French text

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