
Recommendation 2 of the 96th CIPM (2007)

On the value and uncertainty of unstabilised He-Ne lasers

The International Committee for Weights and Measures,


  • that most laser interferometers and many other measuring instruments used for length measurement are based on 633 nm He-Ne lasers;
  • that these instruments are often used at uncertainty levels that are large compared to the possible variation of the He-Ne laser vacuum wavelength;
  • that the vacuum wavelength of the unstabilized 633 nm He-Ne laser is restricted to within a narrow range by fundamental quantum phenomena;


  • that it would be necessary to provide guidance and documentary evidence concerning the value of the vacuum wavelength and its uncertainty that can be expected in the absence of calibration;
  • that such evidence could help to avoid unnecessary calibrations of these lasers in such applications;


  • that the values
    f = 473.612 7 THz
    λ = 632.990 8 nm
    with a relative standard uncertainty of 1.5 × 10–6, apply to the radiation in vacuum of a unstabilised helium-neon laser operating solely on the 3s2→2p4 transition, independent of the isotopic mixture of the neon;
  • that an entry for unstabilized helium-neon lasers, operating on the 633 nm (3s2→2p4) neon transition, be included in the second category of the list of standard frequencies, and that an accompanying paper with CCL authority be published in Metrologia.

DOI : 10.59161/CIPM2007REC2E

The reader should note that the official version of this Resolution is the French text

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