BIPM 150th anniversary - Posters Title

Anniversary Posters

BIPM 150th anniversary - Posters

Celebrating 150 Years Through Visual Storytelling

Posters play a vital role in our year-long campaign to mark the 150th Anniversary of the Metre Convention. They not only highlight the significance of metrology but also invite communities around the world to engage and contribute creatively to this historic milestone.

Explore two exciting ways to get involved:

Official Anniversary Poster: Share the Celebration

Be part of the global celebration by downloading the official 150th Anniversary poster! This poster, designed to reflect the theme “Measurements for all times, for all people”, is available for translation into your own language. Use it to promote the anniversary in your community, organization or event, and join us in spreading awareness about the importance of metrology in shaping our world.


Get the details and download the Official Poster here


Scientific Posters: Showcasing Current Research

See original posters submitted by metrologists, scientists and students from around the world - exploring the role of measurement science in tackling global challenges. Selected posters will be showcased during the 150th Anniversary events and featured as part of the year-long campaign.


Explore the posters here