CCRI Newsletter - INTRO

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Latest updates from the ionizing radiation metrology community

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CCRI-CCQM Workshop on the Use of Mass Spectrometry in Radionuclide Metrology

14 to 16 February 2023 (10:00 to 13:00 UTC)

This online workshop is open to experts and stakeholders from both radionuclide metrology and inorganic chemical analysis communities with experience or interest in using mass spectrometry to support metrological analysis of radioactive elements in applications such as nuclear power, environmental stewardship, forensics and medicine, and the nuclear data supporting the counting methods used in radionuclide metrology. In particular, we look forward to the synergy of CCQM’s expertise in mass spectrometry and CCRI’s expertise in radionuclide materials analyses in guiding our discussions on the most suitable methodologies.

To set the stage, short video “tutorials” – on topics such as using mass spectrometry to resolve data issues with long-lived radionuclides; counting methods used in radionuclide metrology; proper usage of mass spectrometry instrumentation in analysing radioactive materials – will be made available.

We are looking forward to a dynamic meeting!

Please find more details and the registration link on the dedicated webpage.
