
2019 Varenna Metrology School

BIPM contact

Mr Chingis Kuanbayev

Bureau international des poids et mesures


The BIPM and the Italian Physical Society run the highly successful joint Metrology School "New frontiers for metrology: from biology and chemistry to quantum and data science" at the International School of Physics Enrico Fermi in Varenna (Italy), from 4-12 July 2019.

The Summer School was presented as a series of modules, with a 3-day core module on the "Fundamental Metrology" and a choice of two 3-day optional modules: "Physical metrology" and "Quality of life". The Metrology School had a world-class line-up of 22 lecturers including five from the BIPM and the Nobel laureate Prof. William Phillips.

METAS, the Swiss NMI, supported the participation of three young metrologists with strong scientific ability/potential, who are expected to be the 'high flyers' of tomorrow under the auspices of the BIPM Capacity Building and Knowledge Transfer Programme. The three award winners Rafidah Rosli from NMIM (Malaysia), Julián Gigena from INTI (Argentina) and Jorge Pereira from IPQ (Portugal) were able to combine their attendance at the Metrology School with a short placement at METAS. During their internship of two-to-four weeks, they received dedicated training and pursued a specific metrology topic of interest.

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