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Working Groups

Working Group Members

CCAUV Working Group for Key Comparisons (CCAUV-KCWG)


Dr Gustavo Palmeira Ripper

Director for Scientific & Industrial Metrology and Technology, Substitute

Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Tecnologia



Dr Ryuzo Horiuchi

Chief, Acoustics & Ultrasonics Section, Acoustic and Vibration Metrology Division

National Metrology Institute of Japan, AIST



Dr Romain Coulon

Bureau international des poids et mesures


List of meetings

Meetings and related documents

Past Meeting

  • 23
  • October
  • 2023

Past Meeting

  • 13
  • September
  • 2021

Past Meeting

  • 24
  • September
  • 2019

Past Meeting

  • 19
  • September
  • 2017


Terms of reference

The Key Comparisons Working Group of the CCAUV supports the CC within the objective to establish and maintain a global compatibility in the measurements in the field of acoustics, ultrasound and vibration. It takes special responsibility for a consistent implementation of the requirements of the CIPM MRA in terms of comparisons between NMIs and DIs within the scope of the MRA.

Within this objective, its tasks are to:

  • identify the need and feasibility of CCAUV key comparisons (KCs) and supplementary comparisons (SCs);
  • review and approve technical protocols for all comparisons that are intended to be used for the subsequent support of CMC claims, i.e. CIPM KCs, RMO KCs and SCs;
  • give advice on the analysis of KCs, calculation of KCRVs and linking procedures;
  • review and comment Draft B reports prior to their submission to the CCAUV for approval;
  • contribute to the SPWG on matters of key comparisons;
  • give advice in case of disagreement during a comparison.

see more CIPM MRA docs