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Recommendation 1 of the 10th CCL (2001)

Scope of the mise en pratique

The Consultative Committee for Length,

considering that

  • there is an increasing move towards optical frequencies for time-related activities;
  • there continues to be a general widening of the scope of application of the recommended radiations of the Mise en Pratique to cover not only dimensional metrology and the realization of the metre, but also high-resolution spectroscopy, atomic and molecular physics, fundamental constants and telecommunications;

taking note of the Consultative Committee for Time and Frequency request for a list of radiations suitable for secondary representations of the second;

proposes a more encompassing title for the Mise en Pratique, such as “Recommended radiations for the realization of the definition of the metre and other optical frequency standards, including secondary representations of the second”.

DOI : 10.59161/CCL2001REC1E

The reader should note that the official version of this Resolution is the French text