Working Group Members

CCM Working Group on Hardness (CCM-WGH)


Dr Febo Menelao

Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt



Dr Koichiro Hattori

"Metrology in Physics"

Acoustics & Vibration Metrology Division

National Metrology Institute of Japan, AIST


List of meetings

Meetings and related documents

Past Meeting

  • 20
  • September
  • 2024

Past Meeting

  • 28
  • September
  • 2023

Past Meeting

  • 27
  • October
  • 2022

Past Meeting

  • 10
  • November
  • 2021


Terms of reference

  • To advise the CCM on matters relating to hardness;
  • To improve harmonization of primary standards by developing new primary definitions and/or organizing pilot studies;
  • To organize and conduct key and supplementary comparisons for supporting the CIPM MRA;
  • To review the results of completed key and supplementary comparisons and plan and support new comparisons;
  • To facilitate the submission and review of CMCs by establishing technical review criteria and service categories and providing guidance on and coordinating the review process;
  • To support activities of RMOs;
  • To produce working documents for the evaluation of uncertainty;
  • To maintain good links and interface with the hardness community (IMEKO TC5 - Hardness Measurement;
  • To provide formal liaison among organizations involved in the standardization (ISO TC164/SC 3 - Mechanical testing of metals / Hardness testing, ASTM-International Committee E28.06 - Mechanical Testing / Indentation Hardness Testing).

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