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CCQM Virtual Stakeholder Workshop of the TG-FOOD

10 to 13 February 2025

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Stakeholder Workshop CCQM-TG-FOOD

Workshop aim

The CCQM Task Group on Food Measurement (CCQM-TG-FOOD) is being formed to reformulate current strategic plans to provide a description of the CCQM and international metrology planned activities for the period 2021-2030 in relation to food safety and food measurement, identify gaps of unmet requirements, provide liaison to other technical areas overseen by the CIPM that have food measurement activities, and identify stakeholder engagement opportunities.

The CCQM-TG-FOOD is holding a forward-looking workshop to gain an understanding of the future metrological needs and challenges for stakeholders in food production industries and regulatory agencies. Especially, it is aimed to:

  • identify unmet stakeholder engagement opportunities and how these could be exploited to promote the benefits of metrology and NMI services or used to identify new measurement needs;
  • liaise with other CCs and identify measurements related to food and food safety covered by activities in these communities that could be incorporated into broader document covering food measurements issues and needs including those outside chemical and biological measurements.


The workshop will be four days, two hours per day, with one hour for talks and one hour for panel discussion.

Day 1: Challenges in Assuring Authenticity and country-of-origin?

Day 2: What are we looking for in novel foods?

Day 3: What else is in our food?

Day 4: Food measurement challenge within other CCs?



Steering Committee

C. Rimmer


J. Melanson

NRC (Canada)

R. Josephs


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