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CCRI Webinar on Digital Transformation in Ionizing Radiation: The example of SCK CEN

18 January 2024

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CCRI webinars on the BIPM's YouTube channel

Ionizing Radiation: The example of SCK CEN

After introducing the challenges in ionizing radiation metrology related to digital transformation, the CCRI Digital Transformation Task Group (DT-TG) is delighted to host Belgian colleagues presenting their work on digitalization.

  • Liviu-Cristian Mihailescu will discuss the fully digital IMS and the Alexandria cloud-based document storage system at the Laboratory for Nuclear Calibrations (LNK).
  • Leen Verheyen will then demonstrate how the Laboratory for Low-level Radioactivity Measurements (LRM) benefits from the implemented LIMS system, efficiently managing data flow within the quality system.
  • Lastly, Geert Van Woensel from the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK CEN) will showcase their commitment to digital transformation through an integrated management system (IMS).




FLYER : Digital Transformation in Ionizing Radiation: The example of SCK CEN


Digital workflow at dosimetry calibration laboratory LNK

Liviu-Cristian Mihailescu

Fri Jan 19 00:00:00 GMT 2024


Laboratory information management system at LRM laboratory

Leen Verheyen

Fri Jan 19 00:00:00 GMT 2024

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