State title

Member State: Czechia

CZ - participation

The Czech Republic became a Member State on 13 January 1993 (Czechoslovakia, the predecessor of the Czech Republic, became a Member State in 1922).

Matrix of state by committee

Participation of the NMI/DIs in the CCs





Czech Metrology Institute ROR logo



Participating in the CIPM MRA since: 14 October 1999
Signed by: Pavel KLENOVSKÝ (Director, CMI)

Designated institute(s)

Czech Hydrometeorological Institute ROR logo

For metrology in chemistry: gases



Institute of Photonics and Electronics, Czech Academy of Sciences ROR logo

For time and frequency



VF Calibration Laboratory ROR logo

For Ionizing radiation, Branch: dosimetry, quantity: kerma/rate, range: from 10 Gy/h up to 25 kGy/h (accident range dosimetry) (from 25 March 2024)


Cerna Hora

Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography ROR logo

For length - dimensional metrology: linear dimensions, angle, various dimensional; gravity



CZ - KCDB links

International recognition

Asset Publisher


The following institutes are authorized to use the CIPM MRA logo, for the fields of measurement supported by CMCs published in the KCDB:


BIPM services provided


Comparisons piloted by the BIPM

CZ - comparisons-piloted-by-the-BIPM

BIPM services-certificates-TITLE


Calibration certificates issued by the BIPM


Asset Publisher

Search filter :

Calibration certificate No.65 (2024)

100 pF Standard Capacitor, sn 01326
  • CZ
  • CMI

Calibration certificate No.64 (2024)

100 pF Standard Capacitor, sn 01323
  • CZ
  • CMI

Calibration certificate No.63 (2024)

10 pF Standard Capacitor, sn 01181
  • CZ
  • CMI

Calibration certificate No.86 (2022)

100 pF Standard Capacitor, sn 01326
  • CZ
  • CMI

Calibration certificate No.85 (2022)

100 pF Standard Capacitor, sn 01323
  • CZ
  • CMI

Calibration certificate No.84 (2022)

10 pF Standard Capacitor, sn 01181
  • CZ
  • CMI

Calibration certificate No.3 (2021)

1 kg stainless steel mass standard, 51701
  • CZ
  • CMI

Calibration certificate No.2 (2021)

1 kg Pt-Ir mass prototype, 67
  • CZ
  • CMI

Calibration certificate No.55 (2020)

100 pF Standard Capacitor, sn 01326
  • CZ
  • CMI

Calibration certificate No.54 (2020)

100 pF Standard Capacitor, sn 01323
  • CZ
  • CMI

Calibration certificate No.53 (2020)

10 pF Standard Capacitor, sn 01181
  • CZ
  • CMI

Calibration certificate No.127 (2019)

Ion chamber, No. NE2571-1752 in Co-60
  • CZ
  • CMI

Calibration certificate No.54 (2018)

100 pF capacitance standard, No. 01326
  • CZ
  • CMI

Calibration certificate No.53 (2018)

100 pF capacitance standard, No. 01323
  • CZ
  • CMI

Calibration certificate No.52 (2018)

10 pF capacitance standard, No. 01181
  • CZ
  • CMI

Calibration certificate No.41 (2015)

100 pF capacitance standard, Andeen-Hagerling model AH11A, No. 01326
  • CZ
  • CMI

Calibration certificate No.40 (2015)

100 pF capacitance standard, Andeen-Hagerling model AH11A, No. 01323
  • CZ
  • CMI

Calibration certificate No.39 (2015)

10 pF capacitance standard, Andeen-Hagerling model AH11A, No. 01181
  • CZ
  • CMI

Calibration certificate No.42 (2014)

100 Ω resistance standard, Tinsley 5685A, No. 274 557
  • CZ
  • CMI

Calibration certificate No.41 (2014)

1 Ω resistance standard, Tinsley 5685A, No. 279 903
  • CZ
  • CMI

Calibration certificate No.44 (2013)

100 pF capacitance standard, Andeen-Hagerling model AH11A, No. 01326
  • CZ
  • CMI

Calibration certificate No.43 (2013)

100 pF capacitance standard, Andeen-Hagerling model AH11A, No. 01323
  • CZ
  • CMI

Calibration certificate No.42 (2013)

10 pF capacitance standard, Andeen-Hagerling model AH11A, No. 01181
  • CZ
  • CMI



Participation in the BIPM CBKT programme

KCDB 2.0 - CMC Writers (2024)

Mr Peter Bartoš (CMI) - Participant

Mr Stepan Rychlik (CHMU/CHMI) - Participant

Dr Lukàs Vavrecka (CMI) - Participant

See more

KCDB 2.0 – Comparisons (2024)

Dr Petr Balling (CMI) - Participant

Mr Petr Křen (CMI) - Participant

Dr Vojtech Pálinkás (VUGTK/RIGTC) - Participant

See more

KCDB 2.0 - CMC Writers (2023)

Dr Dominik Pražák (CMI) - Participant

See more

KCDB 2.0 – Comparisons (2023)

Mr Jiri Streit (CMI) - Participant

See more

KCDB 2.0 - CMC Writers (2022)

Dr Michal Voldan (CMI) - Participant

See more

KCDB 2.0 – Comparisons (2022)

Mr Miroslav Vokoun (CHMU/CHMI) - Participant

See more

KCDB 2.0 - CMC Writers (2021)

Dr Marek Smid (CMI) - Participant

See more

KCDB 2.0 - CMC Writers (2020)

Mr Jan Beránek (CMI) - Participant

Mr Martin Hudlicka (CMI) - Participant

Mr Luděk Král (CMI) - Participant

Dr Matilda Rozikova (CMI) - Participant

Dr Zdenek Vykydal (CMI) - Participant

See more

2018 - UTC: Effective participation (2018)

Dr Alexander Kuna (UFE) - Lecturer

See more

2017 - EURAMET: TC Leadership (2017)

Ing. Silvie Hoffmanová (CMI) - Lecturer

See more

National institute having sponsored a BIPM CBKT initiative (in full or in part)

No sponsorship yet.

Asset Publisher

Member State / Associate