
Resolution 12 of the 11th CGPM (1960) Système International d'Unités The 11th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM), considering Resolution 6 of the 10th CGPM,...


Resolution 5 of the 13th CGPM (1967) SI unit of luminous intensity (candela) The 13th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM), considering the definition of the...

CIPM Resolution (1879)

Resolution of the 4th CIPM (1879) Signes abréviatifs pour les poids et mesures métriques Le Comité international des Poids et Mesures adopte, pour ses publications et son...


Resolution 9 of the 11th CGPM (1960) Definition of the unit of time (second) The 11th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM), considering the powers given to the...


Resolution 2 of the 26th CGPM (2018) On the definition of time scales The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 26th meeting, considering that ...


Recommendation 3 of the 94th CIPM (2005) Revision of the Mise en pratique list of recommended radiations The International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM), ...


Recommendation 2 of the 5th CCDS (1970) Definition of TAI International Atomic Time (TAI) is the time reference coordinate established by the Bureau International de l'Heure...


Resolution 8 of the 8th CGPM (1933) Échelle internationale de température. Modifications au texte de 1927 M. le Président informe MM. les Délégués que la première...


Resolution 7 of the 8th CGPM (1933) Échelle internationale de température. Convocation d'une Conférence internationale de Thermométrie M. le Président informe MM. les...


Resolution 6 of the 8th CGPM (1933) Proposition relative à la définition ultérieure du Mètre au moyen d'une longueur d'onde lumineuse M. Volterra confirme que le Comité...


Declaration 2 of the 3rd CGPM (1901) Declaration on the unit of mass and on the definition of weight; conventional value of gn Taking into account the decision of the Comité...


Declaration 1 of the 3rd CGPM (1901) Declaration concerning the definition of the litre The Conference declares The unit of volume, for high accuracy determinations, is the...


Declaration of the 1st CGPM (1889) Sanction of the international prototypes of the metre and the kilogram The Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, considering the...


Decision 10 of the 106th CIPM (2017) On progress towards the possible redefinition of the SI The International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM) welcomed...


Declaration of the 14th CGPM (1971) Pascal and siemens The 14th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures adopted the special names “pascal” (symbol Pa), for the SI unit newton...


Declaration of the 53rd CIPM (1964) Atomic and molecular frequency standards The Comité International des Poids et Mesures, empowered by Resolution 5 of the 12th Conférence...


Recommendation of the 50th CIPM (1961) Cubic decimetre and litre The Comité International des Poids et Mesures recommends that the results of accurate measurements of volume...


Declaration of the 90th CIPM (2001) "SI units" and "units of the SI" The CIPM approved in 2001 the following proposal of the CCU regarding "SI units" and "units of the SI": ...


Resolution of the 42nd CIPM (1948) Adoption of "degree Celsius" From three names (“degree centigrade”, “centesimal degree”, “degree Celsius”) proposed to denote the degree of...


Resolution 5 of the 26th CGPM (2018) On the financial arrears of Member States and the process of exclusion The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 26th...


Resolution 4 of the 26th CGPM (2018) On the dotation of the BIPM for the years 2020 to 2023 The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 26th meeting, ...


Resolution 3 of the 26th CGPM (2018) On the objectives of the BIPM The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 26th meeting, considering the world-wide...


Resolution 2 of the 25th CGPM (2014) On the election of the International Committee for Weights and Measures The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 25th...


Resolution 1 of the 25th CGPM (2014) On the future revision of the International System of Units, the SI The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 25th...


Resolution 3 of the 25th CGPM (2014) On the Pension and Provident Fund of the BIPM The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 25th meeting,   ...


Resolution 5 of the 25th CGPM (2014) On the importance of the CIPM Mutual Recognition Arrangement The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 25th meeting, ...


Resolution 4 of the 25th CGPM (2014) Dotation of the BIPM for the years 2016 to 2019 The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 25th meeting, considering ...


Resolution 1 of the 24th CGPM (2011) On the possible future revision of the International System of Units,the SI The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its...


Resolution 8 of the 24th CGPM (2011) On the revision of the mise en pratique of the metre and the development of new optical frequency standards The General Conference on...


Resolution 2 of the 24th CGPM (2011) On the importance of international collaboration so as to place measurements to monitor climate change on an SI traceable basis The...


Resolution 7 of the 24th CGPM (2011) On rescheduling agreements between the International Committee for Weights and Measures and defaulting States Parties to the Metre Convention...


Resolution 10 of the 24th CGPM (2011) On the role, mission, objectives, long-term strategy and governance of the BIPM The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at...


Resolution 4 of the 24th CGPM (2011) On the status of Associate State of the General Conference The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 24th meeting, ...


Resolution 5 of the 24th CGPM (2011) On the acceptance of Economies as Associate of the General Conference The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 24th...


Resolution 6 of the 24th CGPM (2011) On financial arrears of States Parties to the Metre Convention The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 24th meeting,...


Resolution 10 of the 23rd CGPM (2007) Clarification of the definition of the kelvin, unit of thermodynamic temperature The 23rd General Conference, considering that the...


Resolution 9 of the 23rd CGPM (2007) On the revision of the mise en pratique of the definition of the metre and the development of new optical frequency standards The 23rd...


Resolution 12 of the 23rd CGPM (2007) On the possible redefinition of certain base units of the International System of Units (SI) The 23rd General Conference, considering ...


Resolution 4 of the 23rd CGPM (2007) On the relevance to trade of the CIPM Mutual Recognition Arrangement, and other related Arrangements The 23rd General Conference, ...


Resolution 1 of the 23rd CGPM (2007) On the initiatives taken to strengthen the collaboration between National Metrology Institutes and recognized National Accreditation Bodies ...


Resolution 2 of the 23rd CGPM (2007) On the report of the International Committee to the General Conference on Evolving Needs for Metrology in Trade, Industry and Society, and the...


Resolution 8 of the 23rd CGPM (2007) On financial arrears of Member States The 23rd General Conference, recalling that Article 6 al. 6 to 8 of the Rules annexed to the Metre...


Resolution 11 of the 22nd CGPM (2003) Relationship between National Metrology Institutes and nationally recognized accreditation bodies The 22nd General Conference, ...


Resolution 5 of the 22nd CGPM (2003) Report on evolving needs for metrology in trade, industry and society, and the role of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures ...


Resolution 10 of the 22nd CGPM (2003) Symbol for the decimal marker The 22nd General Conference, considering that a principal purpose of the International System of Units...


Resolution 1 of the 22nd CGPM (2003) Links with other organizations The 22nd General Conference, considering the work of the Metre Convention in extending traceability of...


Resolution 2 of the 22nd CGPM (2003) Metrology and trade The 22nd General Conference, considering the increasing importance for world trade of reliability in measurement...


Resolution 3 of the 22nd CGPM (2003) On the coordination of the initiatives to support the implementation of metrology, accreditation, and standadization in developing countries and...


Resolution 12 of the 21st CGPM (1999) Special name for the SI derived unit mole per second, the katal, for the expression of catalytic activity The 21st Conférence Générale...


Resolution 7 of the 21st CGPM (1999) The definition of the kilogram The 21st Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, considering the need to assure the long-term...


Resolution 2 of the 21st CGPM (1999) Mutual recognition of national measurement standards and of calibration and measurement certificates issued by national metrology institutes ...


Resolution 10 of the 21st CGPM (1999) Metrology in chemistry The 21st Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, recalling Resolution 7 of the 20th ConférenceGénérale des...


Resolution 1 of the 21st CGPM (1999) Long-term needs relating to metrology The 21st Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, considering Resolution 11 of the 20th General...


Resolution 11 of the 21st CGPM (1999) Metrology in biotechnology The 21st Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, considering the growing importance of biotechnology in...


Resolution 8 of the 20th CGPM (1995) Elimination of the class of supplementary units in the SI The 20th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, considering that the 11th...


Resolution 11 of the 20th CGPM (1995) Metrology: long-term needs The 20th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, referring to Resolution 1: The need to use SI units in...


Resolution 6 of the 20th CGPM (1995) Clock comparison by satellite laser techniques The 20th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, considering the need for long...


Resolution 10 of the 20th CGPM (1995) Future relations with the Organisation Internationale de Métrologie Légale The 20th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, ...


Resolution 4 of the 19th CGPM (1991) SI prefixes zetta, zepto, yotta and yocto The 19th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM), decides to add to the list of SI...


Resolution 2 of the 19th CGPM (1991) The Josephson and quantum-Hall effects The 19th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, considering that worldwide uniformity and...


Resolution 3 of the 19th CGPM (1991) The International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90) and future work in thermometry The 19th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, ...


Resolution 6 of the 18th CGPM (1987) Forthcoming adjustment to the representations of the volt and of the ohm The 18th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, considering ...


Resolution 1 of the 18th CGPM (1987) Third verification of the national prototypes of the kilogram The 18th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures recalling and confirming...


Resolution 3 of the 18th CGPM (1987) Assumption of responsibility for International Atomic Time The 18th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures considering the importance...


Resolution 3 of the 17th CGPM (1983) Density of air The 17th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, recalling Resolution 1 of the 16th General Conference on Weights and...


Resolution 5 of the 16th CGPM (1979) Special name for the SI unit of dose equivalent (sievert) The 16th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, considering the effort...


Resolution 6 of the 16th CGPM (1979) Symbols for the litre The 16th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM), recognizing the general principles adopted for writing...


Resolution 3 of the 13th CGPM (1967) SI unit of thermodynamic temperature (kelvin) The 13th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM), considering the names "degree...


Resolution 4 of the 13th CGPM (1967) Definition of the SI unit of thermodynamic temperature (kelvin) The 13th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM), considering...


Resolution 6 of the 13th CGPM (1967) SI derived units The 13th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM) considering that it is useful to add some derived units to the...


Resolution 8 of the 13th CGPM (1967) Échelle internationale pratique de température (révision prochaine) La Treizième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, considérant ...


Resolution 12 of the 13th CGPM (1967) Dotation du Bureau international pour la période 1969-1972 La Treizième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, considérant que les...


Resolution 7 of the 13th CGPM (1967) Abrogation of earlier decisions (micron, new candle) The 13th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM), considering that...


Resolution 11 of the 13th CGPM (1967) Dates des séances La Treizième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, considérant que les séances aux dates prévues n'ont pas...


Resolution 10 of the 13th CGPM (1967) Dotation du Bureau international pour la période 1969-1972 La Treizième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, considérant que...


Resolution 9 of the 13th CGPM (1967) Colorimétrie et radiométrie La Treizième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, considérant que la photométrie doit tenir compte des...


Resolution 2 of the 13th CGPM (1967) Unité SI de temps (seconde) La Treizième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, considérant que l'étalon de fréquence à césium est...


Resolution 6 of the 11th CGPM (1960) Definition of the metre The 11th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM), considering that the international Prototype does...


Resolution 3 of the 9th CGPM (1948) Triple point of water; thermodynamic scale with a single fixed point; unit of quantity of heat (joule) With present-day techniques, the...


Resolution 2 of the 9th CGPM (1948) Concernant les mesures de gravité La Neuvième Conférence générale des poids et mesures considérant le développement remarquable des...


Resolution 9 of the 9th CGPM (1948) Concernant la question des retouches à apporter à la Convention du Mètre Pendant la période écoulée après 1921, le caractère et l'étendue...


Resolution 10 of the 9th CGPM (1948) Concernant la poursuite des résolutions Les vœux ou propositions ainsi déposés seront transmis par le bureau du Comité à tous les États...


Resolution 8 of the 9th CGPM (1948) Concernant la dotation du BIPM Les Délégués des États adhérents à la Convention du Mètre et représentés à la Conférence, s'engagent à...


Resolution 5 of the 9th CGPM (1948) Dotation du BIPM La Neuvième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, après examen de la Résolution adoptée par le Comité international...


Resolution 1 of the 9th CGPM (1948) Vers une nouvelle définition du mètre La Neuvième Conférence générale des poids et mesures ayant pris connaissance des possibilités...


Resolution 4 of the 9th CGPM (1948) Concernant un accord avec l'Unesco La Neuvième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, considérant la Convention du Mètre qui assigne...


Resolution 7 of the 9th CGPM (1948) Writing and printing of unit symbols and of numbers Principles Roman (upright) type, in general lower case, is used for symbols of units;...


Resolution 6 of the 9th CGPM (1948) Proposal for establishing a practical system of units of measurement The Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM), considering ...


Resolution 2 of the 8th CGPM (1933) Équations des mètres prototypes nos 1, 8, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23 et 26 La Huitième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, ...


Resolution 1 of the 7th CGPM (1927) Definition of the metre by the international Prototype The unit of length is the metre, defined by the distance, at 0°, between the axes of...


Resolution 8 of the 12th CGPM (1964) SI prefixes femto and atto The 12th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM), decides to add to the list of prefixes for the...


Resolution 7 of the 12th CGPM (1964) Curie The 12th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM), considering that the curie has been used for a long time in many...


Resolution 5 of the 12th CGPM (1964) Atomic standard of frequency The 12th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM), considering that the 11th CGPM noted in its...


Resolution 1 of the 12th CGPM (1964) Section des radiations ionisantes du Bureau international ; troisième dotation exceptionnelle La Douzième Conférence générale des poids et...


Resolution 6 of the 12th CGPM (1964) Litre The 12th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM), considering Resolution 13 adopted by the 11th CGPM in 1960 and the...


Resolution 10 of the 12th CGPM (1964) Échelle internationale pratique de température (recherches à effectuer) La Douzième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, appréciant...


Resolution 9 of the 12th CGPM (1964) Coefficient gyromagnétique du proton (poursuite des études) La Douzième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, considérant le rôle...


Resolution 4 of the 12th CGPM (1964) Dotation du Bureau international La Douzième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, considérant l'extension des fonctions que le...


Resolution 3 of the 12th CGPM (1964) Dotation du Bureau international La Douzième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, considérant les commentaires du Comité...


Resolution 2 of the 12th CGPM (1964) Section des radiations ionisantes du Bureau international ; troisième dotation exceptionnelle La Douzième Conférence générale des poids et...


Resolution 10 of the 15th CGPM (1975) SI prefixes peta and exa The 15th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM), decides to add to the list of SI prefixes to be used...


Resolution 2 of the 15th CGPM (1975) Recommended value for the speed of light The 15th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, considering the excellent agreement among the...


Resolution 5 of the 15th CGPM (1975) Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) The 15th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM), considering that the system called...


Resolution 9 of the 15th CGPM (1975) SI units for ionizing radiation: gray The 15th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, by reason of the pressing requirement,...


Resolution 8 of the 15th CGPM (1975) SI units for ionizing radiation: becquerel The 15th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, by reason of the pressing requirement,...


Resolution 4 of the 15th CGPM (1975) Temps atomique international (relations du BIH avec le CIPM et le BIPM) The 15th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, having...


Resolution 3 of the 14th CGPM (1971) SI unit of amount of substance (mole) The 14th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM), considering the advice of the...


Resolution 1 of the 14th CGPM (1971) International Atomic Time, function of CIPM The 14th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM), considering that the second,...


Resolution 2 of the 14th CGPM (1971) Temps atomique international ; arrangements avec le Bureau international de l'heure La 14e Conférence générale des poids et mesures, ...


Resolution 5 of the 14th CGPM (1971) Dotation du Bureau international pour la période 1973-1976 La Quatorzième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, considérant que...


Resolution 4 of the 14th CGPM (1971) Approbation du programme de travail du Bureau international des poids et mesures pour 1973-1976 La Quatorzième Conférence générale des...


Resolution 11 of the 15th CGPM (1975) Dotations du BIPM pour la période 1977-1980 The 15th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, considering that if unforeseen financial...


Resolution 6 of the 15th CGPM (1975) Étalons électriques (poursuite des recherches pour améliorer l'exactitude de la réalisation des unités) The 15th Conférence Générale des...


Resolution 7 of the 15th CGPM (1975) Échelle internationale pratique de température de 1968 (Édition amendée de 1975) The 15th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM),...


Resolution 3 of the 15th CGPM (1975) Étalons du kilogramme (poursuite des études pour améliorer la précision des comparaisons) The 15th Conférence Générale des Poids et...


Resolution 1 of the 15th CGPM (1975) Définition du mètre The 15th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, having examined the metrological qualities of the radiations...


Resolution 13 of the 11th CGPM (1960) Cubic decimetre and litre The 11th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM), considering that the cubic decimetre and the...


Resolution 16 of the 11th CGPM (1960) Révision de la Convention du Mètre La Onzième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, constatant que l'accord sur les changements à...


Resolution 15 of the 11th CGPM (1960) Négociation d'un accord de siège avec le Gouvernment français La Onzième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, considérant que le...


Resolution 14 of the 11th CGPM (1960) Adhésion des Pays à la Convention du Mètre La Onzième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, considérant que tous les pays...


Resolution 11 of the 11th CGPM (1960) Système gravimétrique La Onzième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, ayant pris connaissance avec satisfaction des progrès dans la...


Resolution 10 of the 11th CGPM (1960) Définition de l'unité de temps La Onzième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, appréciant les résultats expérimentaux obtenus par...


Resolution 8 of the 11th CGPM (1960) Définition du mètre La Onzième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, considérant les premières instructions préparées par le Comité...


Resolution 7 of the 11th CGPM (1960) Définition du mètre La Onzième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, invite le Comité international à établir des instructions...


Resolution 5 of the 11th CGPM (1960) Dotation du Bureau international La Onzième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, considérant que la précision exigée dans les...


Resolution 4 of the 11th CGPM (1960) Extension des activités du Bureau international au domaine des étalons de mesure des radiations ionisantes La Onzième Conférence générale...


Resolution 3 of the 11th CGPM (1960) Extension des activités du Bureau international au domaine des étalons de mesure des radiations ionisantes La Onzième Conférence générale...


Resolution 2 of the 11th CGPM (1960) Extension des activités du Bureau international au domaine des étalons de mesure des radiations ionisantes La Onzième Conférence générale...


Resolution 1 of the 11th CGPM (1960) Extension des activités du Bureau international au domaine des étalons de mesure des radiations ionisantes La Onzième Conférence générale...


Resolution 5 of the 10th CGPM (1954) Définition de l'unité de temps La Dixième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, reconnaissant la nécessité et l'urgence de donner...


Resolution 2 of the 10th CGPM (1954) Retraçage des mètres La Dixième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, considérant les récents progrès réalisés dans la connaissance...


Resolution 4 of the 10th CGPM (1954) Definition of the standard atmosphere The 10th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM), having noted that the definition of the...


Resolution 15 of the 8th CGPM (1933) Étude de la création d'un Comité consultatif de métrologie pratique La Huitième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, ayant été...


Resolution 14 of the 8th CGPM (1933) Réponse aux propositions présentées par la Délégation de l'U.R.S.S. En ce qui concerne le paragraphe Ia demandant la comparaison d'étalons...


Resolution 13 of the 8th CGPM (1933) Mesures à prendre pour favoriser l'extension du Système métrique La Huitième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, après avoir...


Resolution 12 of the 8th CGPM (1933) Confirmation des pouvoirs nécessaires pour modifier les instructions de la Conférence de Londres La Huitième Conférence générale des poids...


Resolution 11 of the 8th CGPM (1933) Pouvoirs au Comité en vue de l'établissement d'un étalon de lumière La Huitième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, conformément au...


Resolution 10 of the 8th CGPM (1933) Substitution des unités électriques absolues aux unités dites « internationales » La Huitième Conférence générale des...


Resolution 9 of the 8th CGPM (1933) Institution d'un Comité consultatif de photométrie La Huitième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, considérant le vœu exprimé dans...


Resolution 5 of the 8th CGPM (1933) Équation du kilogramme prototype n° 41 La Huitième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, considérant la construction récente de...


Resolution 4 of the 8th CGPM (1933) Équations des kilogrammes prototypes n° 14 et 15 La Huitième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, considérant la sanction donnée à...


Resolution 3 of the 8th CGPM (1933) L'équation du Mètre prototype n° 7, alliage de 1874 La Huitième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, considérant que le Mètre n° 7...


Resolution 1 of the 8th CGPM (1933) Dilatabilité des mètres prototypes provenant des alliages Johnson-Matthey et de 1874 La Huitième Conférence générale des poids et mesures, ...


Resolution 7 of the 16th CGPM (1979) BIPM budget for the years 1981-1984 The 16th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, considering the importance of the research...


Resolution 4 of the 16th CGPM (1979) Definition of the candela - Improvement of photometric accuracy The 16th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, instructs the Comité...


Resolution 2 of the 16th CGPM (1979) Realization of electrical units The 16th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM), considering the importance for all...


Resolution 1 of the 16th CGPM (1979) Kilogram standards The 16th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM), considering that the accuracy of mass measurements rests...


Resolution 4 of the 17th CGPM (1983) Appropriation for the BIPM The 17th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, considering the importance of the work carried out by...


Resolution 2 of the 17th CGPM (1983) On the realization of the definition of the metre The 17th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures invites the Comité International des...


Resolution 9 of the 18th CGPM (1987) Funding of the BIPM The 18th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, considering the importance of the work carried out by the...


Resolution 8 of the 18th CGPM (1987) Apportionment of contributions The 18th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures considering that, after each Conférence Générale des...


Resolution 7 of the 18th CGPM (1987) Development of a new international temperature scale The 18th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures considering that world-wide...


Resolution 5 of the 18th CGPM (1987) Study of perturbing effects in the realization of the second The 18th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures recalls that the...


Resolution 4 of the 18th CGPM (1987) Time comparisons using satellite links The 18th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures considering that high-precision timing is...


Resolution 2 of the 18th CGPM (1987) Study of the surface condition of mass standards The 18th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures considering that long-term...


Resolution 1 of the 19th CGPM (1991) Time standards and time comparisons The 19th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, noting that the accuracy of clock comparisons has...


Resolution 9 of the 20th CGPM (1995) Dotation of the BIPM The 20th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, considering the importance of the work carried out by the...


Resolution 13 of the 21st CGPM (1999) Dotation of the BIPM The 21st Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, considering the importance of the work carried out by the...


Resolution 12 of the 22nd CGPM (2003) Dotation of the BIPM for the years 2005 to 2008 The 22nd General Conference, considering the increasing importance of metrology for...


Resolution 3 of the 23rd CGPM (2007) Dotation of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) for the years 2009 to 2012 The 23rd General Conference, considering ...


Resolution 7 of the 20th CGPM (1995) Metrology in chemistry The 20th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, considering that reliability in the results of quantitative...


Resolution 5 of the 20th CGPM (1995) Monitoring the stability of the international prototype of the kilogram The 20th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, considering ...


Resolution 4 of the 20th CGPM (1995) Revision of the mise en pratique of the definition of the metre The 20th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, recalling that in...


Resolution 3 of the 20th CGPM (1995) The need for long-term metrological research The 20th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, considering the continual increase in...


Resolution 2 of the 20th CGPM (1995) World-wide traceability of measurement standards The 20th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, considering the increasingly...


Resolution 1 of the 20th CGPM (1995) The need to use SI units in studies of Earth resources, the environment, human well-being and related issues The 20th Conférence Générale...


Resolution 6 of the 22nd CGPM (2003) On the importance of the CIPM Mutual Recognition Arrangement The 22nd General Conference, noting the positive social and economic...


Resolution 9 of the 21st CGPM (1999) Extension of the International Temperature Scale below 0.65 K The 21st Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, considering that many...


Resolution 8 of the 21st CGPM (1999) Operational primary frequency standards The 21st Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, considering the importance of maintaining...


Resolution 6 of the 21st CGPM (1999) Requirements for dimensional metrology The 21st Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, considering that requirements for advanced...


Resolution 5 of the 21st CGPM (1999) Revision of the mise en pratique of the definition of the metre The 21st Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, recalling that in...


Resolution 4 of the 21st CGPM (1999) The need to use SI units in studies of Earth resources, the environment, human well-being and related issues The 21st Conférence Générale...


Resolution 3 of the 21st CGPM (1999) Associates of the Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures The 21st Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, considering that the...


Resolution 9 of the 22nd CGPM (2003) Requirements for cross-border transport of measurement standards, metrological equipment and reference materials The 22nd General...


Resolution 8 of the 22nd CGPM (2003) Revision of the mise en pratique of the definition of the metre The 22nd General Conference, recalling that the 21st General...


Resolution 7 of the 22nd CGPM (2003) Involvement of national metrology institutes in the complete range of work of the Metre Convention The 22nd General Conference, ...


Resolution 4 of the 22nd CGPM (2003) Value and benefits of the Metre Convention for Member States and for Associates of the General Conference The 22nd General Conference, ...


Resolution 6 of the 23rd CGPM (2007) On the acceptance of Economies as Associates of the General Conference The 23rd General Conference, considering Resolution 3 of the...


Resolution 7 of the 23rd CGPM (2007) On the importance of promoting the work carried out under the Metre Convention to encourage more States to accede to the Metre Convention or...


Resolution 11 of the 23rd CGPM (2007) On the importance of SI traceable measurements to monitor climate change The 23rd General Conference, recalling Resolution 4 of the 21st...


Resolution 5 of the 23rd CGPM (2007) On Associate States of the General Conference The 23rd General Conference, considering Resolution 3 of the 21st General Conference, ...


Resolution 9 of the 24th CGPM (2011) On the adoption of a common terrestrial reference system The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 24th meeting, ...


Resolution 3 of the 24th CGPM (2011) Dotation of the BIPM for the years 2013 to 2015 The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 24th meeting, recalling...


Resolution 1 of the 26th CGPM (2018) On the revision of the International System of Units (SI) The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 26th meeting, ...


Resolution 3 of the 27th CGPM (2022) On the extension of the range of SI prefixes The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 27th meeting, recalling that...


Resolution 7 of the 27th CGPM (2022) On the dotation of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures for the years 2024 to 2027 The General Conference on Weights and...


Resolution 4 of the 27th CGPM (2022) On the use and future development of UTC The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 27th meeting, recalling that ...


Resolution 2 of the 27th CGPM (2022) On the global digital transformation and the International System of Units The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its...


Resolution 1 of the 27th CGPM (2022) On the report prepared by the International Committee for Weights and Measures on the “Evolving Needs in Metrology” The General Conference...


Resolution 6 of the 27th CGPM (2022) On universal adherence to the Metre Convention The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 27th meeting, recalling ...


Resolution 5 of the 27th CGPM (2022) On the future redefinition of the second The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 27th meeting, recalling that ...


Recommendation 1 of the 12th CCL (2005) Revision of the Mise en Pratique list of recommended radiations Part a The Consultative Committee for Length, considering that: ...


Recommendation 1 of the 96th CIPM (2007) Revision of the Mise en pratique list of recommended radiations The International Committee for Weights and Measures, considering...


Recommendation 1 of the 29th CCT (2021) Requirement for new determinations of thermodynamic temperature above 400 K The Consultative Committee for Thermometry (CCT), at its...


Declaration 3 of the 17th CCQM (2011) On the need for further consultation over the possible redefinition of the mole The Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance –...


Recommendation 1 of the 16th CCQM (2010) On monitoring the global climate and collaboration with the WMO The Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance – Metrology in...


Recommendation 1 of the 15th CCL (2012) Updates to the list of standard frequencies The Consultative Committee for Length, considering that a common list of “Recommended...


Recommendation 2 of the 14th CCL (2009) Updates to the list of standard frequencies The Consultative Committee for Length, considering that a common list of “Recommended...


Recommendation 1 of the 16th CCTF (2004) Concerning secondary representations of the second The Consultative Committee for Time and Frequency, considering that the...


Resolution 1 of the 13th CGPM (1967) SI unit of time (second) The 13th Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM), considering that the definition of the second...