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News 2023
The BIPM delegation highlights the importance of accurate measurement at COP28 held in Dubai/UAE by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Dr Patrizia Tavella, together with NMI representatives, successfully contributed to the negotiation of significant steps towards achieving continuous UTC at the WRC-23.
At its 42nd Session of the General Conference, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization formally adopted 20 May as a UNESCO International Day.
A facility for on-demand comparisons of CO2 in air standards is described in a new open access article in Metrologia.
At the meeting of the CIPM held in October, Philippe Richard, Joachim Ullrich and Yuning Duan announced their retirement from the Presidencies of CCM, CCU and CCT.
The CIPM has appointed Dr Dolores del Campo Maldonado as President of the Consultative Committee for Thermometry.
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