Publications of the BIPM Ionizing Radiation Department
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Measuring conditions and uncertainties for the comparison and calibration of national dosimetric standards at the BIPM
Beam characterization for low-energy x-rays and new reference qualities at 1 m
Measuring conditions and uncertainties for the comparison and calibration of national dosmetric standards at the BIPM [Note: This report has been superseded by Rapport BIPM-2024/04]
Report of a comparison between the LNE-LNHB and the BIPM of absorbed dose to graphite in a Co-60 reference beam
The SIRTI: a new tool developed at the BIPM for comparing activity measurements of short-lived radionuclides world-wide
Verification of the linearity of the new SIR using sources of 64Cu and 99mTc
Measuring conditions and uncertainties for the comparison and calibration of national dosimetric standards at the BIPM [Note: This report has been superseded by Rapport BIPM-2018/06]
Determination of the recombination correction for the BIPM parallel-plate ionization chamber type in a pulsed photon beam
Establishment of reference radiation qualities for mammography
Kessler C., Roger P., Burns D.T.
Measuring conditions used for the calibration of National Ionometric standards at the BIPM [Note: This report has been superseded by Rapport BIPM-2011/04]
Allisy-Roberts P.J., Burns D.T., Kessler C.
Preliminary characterization of the NIS free-air chamber standard at the BIPM
Burns D.T., Kessler C., Roger P., El-Sersy A.R.
Construction of an absorbed-dose graphite calorimeter
Picard S., Burns D.T., Roger P.