Publication de la feuille de route "CCQM Roadmap to Metrology Readiness for Infectious Disease Pandemic Response"
The Roadmap was developed in close collaboration with the measurement community, global policy and healthcare officials who were on the front line of managing national responses to Covid-19, and the wider community. The document sets out recommendations for specific measurement interventions that could enable a more rapid response and enhance clinical outcomes in a future pandemic.
In 2021 the Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance: Metrology in Chemistry and Biology (CCQM) held a series of webinars and workshops to identify and characterize appropriate prognostic and diagnostic technologies, platforms and data management/integration approaches, and propose specific metrology interventions that could enable a more rapid response.
The recommendations that resulted will ensure that the metrology community is sufficiently prepared to support the key measurements that are needed, and at sufficient pace, to face the challenges posed by infectious disease outbreaks in the future. In addition, the Roadmap will provide the wider community with visibility of and guidance on the metrology interventions available. A CCQM Task Group has been established to oversee the implementation of the recommendations over the next 15 months.
The metrology community looks forward to working every more closely with national and international stakeholders to ensure a faster and more integrated response to future pandemics.