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KCDB 2.0 - CMC Writers

Contact au BIPM

M. Anderson Maina

Bureau international des poids et mesures




In order for the global metrology system to continue to improve, whilst underpinning its long-term sustainability, it is necessary to operate the technical framework - the CIPM MRA - as effectively as possible. This can be achieved by optimal use of the KCDB functions and active participation in the CIPM MRA.

These online technical exchanges are aimed at supporting those who create/submit Calibration and Measurement Capabilities (CMCs). The content covers the CIPM MRA-G-13 document, which outlines the requirements for CMCs and the review process.

The online technical exchanges require participants to prepare by watching a selection of short video clips and/or presentations available on the KCDB help page. The sessions will adopt a 'questions and answers' format with experts from the BIPM team.

Announcements for the online technical exchanges will be made as they become available.