CCAUV Working Group on Strategic Planning (CCAUV-SPWG)
National Metrology Institute of Türkiye/TÜBITAK Ulusal Metroloji Enstitüsü
Bureau international des poids et mesures
Réunions et documents associés
Termes de référence
The terms of reference of the CCAUV Working Group on Strategic Planning (CCAUV-SPWG) are to:
- establish a view on emerging requirements for CCAUV metrology, the way these are driven by societal and industrial stakeholder needs and the key enabling technologies providing solutions to the highlighted challenges;
- provide input within the area of AUV into the CC Strategy Document; "Future Needs in Metrology" documents; which will be the basis for the strategic plan proposed to the CGPM;
- provide expert input and advice to the CC Strategy Document identifying future pilot studies and Key Comparisons;
- advise the CCAUV on the optimal operational structure, e.g. for information gathering, collation and dissemination;
- share information on national priorities (e.g. roadmapping) for emerging metrology helping NMIs to formulate improved metrological programmes;
- identify areas suitable for collaboration, thereby allowing impact to be accelerated;
- monitor and respond to developments within other CCs, including the future of the SI, which might impact on the area of CCAUV.