CCM Working Group on Fluid Flow (CCM-WGFF)
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
National Institute of Metrology
Termes de référence
The Working Group for Fluid Flow supports the CCM, the CIPM MRA, and NMIs to establish and maintain a validated and robust global measurement system for flow and related quantities:
- liquid flow (i.e. water, hydrocarbon liquids, cryogenic liquids),
- gas flow (air, nitrogen, natural gas, etc.),
- liquid volume (from microliters to thousands of liters), and
- the speed of fluids (air speed and water speed).
Within this objective, its tasks are to:
- Facilitate the assembly of approved CMCs in the KCDB, including:
- ensuring that the general instructions, formatting, and inter-regional review process are followed,
- developing service categories that cover necessary measurands,
- ensuring the definitions of CMC uncertainty are clear and consistently applied,
- providing CMC review criteria in order to facilitate the CMC revision process,
- serving as a forum for discussion and resolution of questions raised during inter-RMO review of CMCs, and
- periodically reviewing CMCs for correctness.
- Conduct comparisons to demonstrate the proficiency of NMIs and DIs and to verify that CMCs are correct, including:
- identifying where comparisons are needed,
- recommending comparisons to the CCM for approval,
- selecting pilot labs and participants,
- assisting pilot labs in developing protocols that meet the Guidelines for CIPM KCs,
- assisting or advising pilot labs with the data analysis and KC report writing,
- performing the Draft B KC report review process,
- assessing CMC uncertainty claims based on comparison results,
- reviewing regional comparison reports, and
- submitting comparison reports to the CCM for approval and posting on the KCDB;
- Provide a forum of exchange between NMIs, DIs, and RMOs, provide supplementary guidelines and/or interpretations of CIPM and CCM policies for the flow measurement community, advise the CCM and the CIPM on flow related matters, and encourage and support laboratories developing new flow standards.