CCQM-OAWG Task Group on Knowledge Transfer (CCQM-OAWG-TG-KT)
National Metrology Institute of South Africa
Afrique du Sud
National Measurement Institute, Australia
Period of activity: start 25 April 2024 to end April 2027
Terms of Reference
This Task Group is being established in response to the on-going need by the OAWG to ensure relevance of prioritised sectors, activities and comparisons withing the OAWG, aligning with the OAWG strategic plan for 2021-2030. Specifically, the provision of updates to the OAWG strategy document and horizon scanning to better capture the requirements of different fields of great importance to Organic Analysis Metrology worldwide. The defined focus areas include Food; Clinical and Forensics; Environment; Advancement of Measurement Science (including MS, NMR, UoM) and Knowledge Transfer.
Specific activities to be undertaken
- To provide insights and suggestions for updates in the CCQM OAWG 2021-2030 strategy document to better capture NMI training needs and propose targeted knowledge transfer activities to address these;
- To provide inputs into the implementation of proposed knowledge transfer activities (for example e-learning, training courses, guidelines for core measurement capabilities);
- Based on identified needs, make recommendations on parameters and criteria for Track C/ D and pilot studies to underpin training concepts, leading to improved agreement between NMI results;
- Recommendations on workshops (for example estimation of UoM).