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Webinaire du CCRI: "Radioactive Sources and Alternative Technologies"

26 février 2025

CCRI webinars on the BIPM's YouTube channel

CCRI Webinar on Radioactive Sources and Alternative Technologies

Malcolm McEwen (National Research Council, Canada)

Radioactive sources have found numerous applications since the original discovery by Becquerel in 1896, radiation sterilization, well-logging, cancer therapy, radiography, environmental pathway tracing, to name a few. Radioactive sources are also critical to the field of ionizing radiation metrology, providing reliable calibration fields and reference sources for detector characterization and long-term monitoring of measurement standards.

Over recent years there has been increased pressure on the use of radioactive sources in many of these applications, driven primarily by security concerns. Although metrology uses of radioactive sources are not a primary focus of regulators, there are already challenges in obtaining suitable sources and/or maintaining existing irradiators containing radioactive sources. In light of this, the Consultative Committee on Ionizing Radiation (CCRI) of the CIPM (Comité International des Poids et Mesures) formed a task group to look at the role of radioactive sources in ionizing radiation metrology and the potential options for alternatives.

This presentation will describe the work of the CCRI TG, highlighting the current situation, immediate and future challenges, and options for maintaining accurate measurement standards and calibration services.

This webinar will be chaired by Massimo Pinto (ENEA).


Documents de travail

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