CCT Task Group for Thermophysical Quantities (CCT-TG-ThQ)
Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais
Réunions et documents associés
Termes de référence
The general objectives of the TG-ThQ are to:
- identify, study and advise the CCT on matters related to thermophysical quantities;
- foster and strengthen the scientific and technical collaborations among current and prospective CCT TG-ThQ members;
- disseminate the metrological expertise and knowledge for the benefit of Industry and Society;
- develop and maintain active connections with the international thermophysical quantities community.
- review the service categories and identify research topic priorities in the field;
- suggest new comparisons to be performed in the field;
- coordinate and perform ongoing and future comparisons useful for the preparation of CMC entries related to the field;
- when required, and according to priorities defined by the TG-ThQ, draft documents on uncertainty budgets and guidance related to thermophysical quantities measurements;
- exchange information on innovative techniques relevant to the field of thermal quantity measurements;
- provide elements useful for the CCT strategic planning;
- contribute to provide information to one of the electronic tools managed by the CCT and useful for the thermal metrology community including the thermophysical quantities community.