Membres d'un groupe de travail

CCT Working Group on Digitalization (CCT-WG-Dig)


M. Patrick Rourke

National Research Council of Canada


Liste des réunions


Terms of reference

The general objectives of the CCT-WG-Dig are to:

  • identify information that should be machine readable in the documents related to the MeP-K, such as the ITS-90 text, Guide, appendices, etc.
  • recommend an indexing and archiving approach for the documents:
    • identify the relevant documents and advise BIPM staff on which documents need to be machine readable
    • identify equations, tables, etc. in the documents that are commonly implemented in software applications
    • recommend an indexing and archiving approach to make both current and former versions of the documents more findable, by internal and external search functions
    • test beta versions of relevant documents and functions established by BIPM staff.

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