CCT Working Group on Digitalization (CCT-WG-Dig)
National Research Council of Canada
Terms of reference
The terms of reference of the CCT-WG-Dig are to advise and support the CCT, and its Working Groups and Task Groups, on digitalization, and to advise and support the BIPM on thermometry-related aspects of the Digital SI.
- provide thermometry-related digitalization guidance to the BIPM, CCT and other CCT Working Groups and Task Groups;
- liaise with other bodies active in thermometry digitalization, to encourage global digital harmonization and avoid unnecessary parallel work;
- monitor recent developments of Digital Calibration Certificates (DCCs) in the CCT subject areas and connect them in a harmonized approach;
- identify digital functions, data and guidance that would benefit the CCT and broader thermometry community;
- advise BIPM staff during the development and testing of digital functions and documents relevant to the CCT.