CCT Working Group for Strategic Planning (CCT-WG-SP)
Mme Dolores del Campo Maldonado
Directrice du Département des quantités méchanique et de l'ingénierie
Centro Español de Metrología
Bureau international des poids et mesures
Réunions et documents associés
Termes de référence
The terms of reference of the WG-SP are to ensure the effective long term development of the SI unit kelvin and associated quantities for the benefit of all users.
This is realized by the WG-SP by:
- maintaining and reviewing a strategic planning document for the CCT;
- harmonizing the work of the CCT and its working- and task- groups;
- advising the CCT President on all general, scientific and strategic issues relevant for the CCT;
- reviewing the CCT structure for optimal operational efficiency;
- facilitating the linkage between the CCT and the RMO-TC-Ts.