CCTF Working Group on Coordination of the Development of Advanced Time and Frequency Transfer Techniques (CCTF-WGATFT)
National Institute of Metrological Research/Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica
Bureau international des poids et mesures
- Un représentant du CCTF-WGTAI
- Un représentant du CCTF-WG-ALGO
- Un représentant du CCTF-WGGNSS
- Un représentant du CCTF-WGTWSTFT
- Un représentant du CCTF-WGPSFS
- Deux représentants du CCL-CCTF WGFS
- Un représentant du BIPM, qui sera secrétaire du CCTF-WGATFT
- Des experts des laboratoires membres du CCTF
Réunions et documents associés
Termes de référence
- to review the status and projected evolution of the characteristics of frequency, standards, time scales and time and frequency transfer techniques,
- to follow and assess the evolution of microwave links in current use, based on GNSS signals and TWSTFT,
- to follow and assess other technical possibilities, including optical fibre links, optical satellite links, and transportable optical frequency standards, which could be used for comparison of high performance frequency standards,
- to establish the relevant connections and facilitate consultations with other relevant bodies, such as IGS, IUGG, IVS, ITU, etc.
- together with BIPM, to foster the spread of information on technical achievements by suitable means, e.g. workshops, and
- to propose and organize novel comparison and calibration campaigns, including multiple techniques (such as GNSS, TWSTFT, ACES microwave link, T2L2, optical fibre links).