Membres d'un groupe de travail

CCTF Working Group on Strategic Planning (CCTF-WGSP)


M. Noël Dimarcq

Scientifique senior du CNRS au laboratoire ARTEMIS

CNRS, Université Côte d'Azur, Observatoire Côte d'Azur



Mme Patrizia Tavella

Bureau international des poids et mesures


cctf-wgsp members


  • Présidents des groupes de travail du CCTF
  • Experts proposés par le président du CCTF-WGSP

Liste des réunions

Réunions et documents associés

Réunion à venir

  • 04
  • septembre
  • 2025

Réunion à venir

  • 26
  • juin
  • 2025

Réunion à venir

  • 27
  • février
  • 2025

Réunion Passée

  • 13
  • décembre
  • 2024

Réunion Passée

  • 21
  • octobre
  • 2024

Réunion Passée

  • 11
  • octobre
  • 2024

Réunion Passée

  • 28
  • juin
  • 2024

Publications - TITLE H2



Termes de référence

The objectives of the CCTF-WGSP are to:

  • collect and make available information giving evidence of the importance and progress of time and frequency metrology;
  • collect information from the CCTF member laboratories on their long-term programmes of work with the aim of encouraging collaboration and cooperation, and to make this information available;
  • propose long-term plans for the future activities of the relevant Department of the BIPM over the next ten to fifteen years, and regularly review and update these plans;
  • review the activities of the relevant BIPM Department, and advise the CCTF on this by producing reports at its meetings;
  • advise on the improvement of the structure of the CCTF and its WGs;
  • monitor the evolution of new frequency standards, and of techniques for their comparison, with the aim of evaluating their impact on a possible future redefinition of the SI second;
  • assure the liaison between relevant international organizations and the CCTF;
  • establish the criteria for membership of the CCTF and its WGs.

Organization of the CCTF-WGSP:

The chairperson of the CCTF-WGSP will serve during a term covering two consecutive meetings of the CCTF. Re-election for the period until a third meeting could be proposed by the President of the CCTF. To help with the organization of the WGSP, the President of the CCTF will serve as first chairman, starting from the 18th meeting of the CCTF (June 2009).

The WGSP will have at least one annual meeting, preferably to coincide with other events such as the EFTF or CCTF.

In order to facilitate the work of the WGSP, e-mail consultation between meetings is encouraged.

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