Membres d'un groupe de travail

CCU Task Group on Fundamental Concepts in Metrology (CCU-TG-FCM)


M. Luca Mari

International Electrotechnical Commission


Liste des réunions

Réunions et documents associés

Réunion Passée

  • 14
  • juin
  • 2024


Terms of Reference

  • Considering the outcomes of the CCU-WG-CMT, identify the key fundamental concepts in the understanding of metrology.
  • Characterize such concepts and their interrelations, in formal (mathematical or logical) terms where possible, also enabling their machine readability and actionability.
  • Provide the outcomes of the TG to the JCGM-WG2:VIM and other relevant stakeholders.
  • Report progress to the CCU-WG-S and the CCU.

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