Membres d'un groupe de travail

Gulf Association for Metrology (RMO: GULFMET)


M. Ismail Al Faleh

Directeur général, NMCC

Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization/National Measurement and Calibration Center

Arabie saoudite


M. Abdulelah Alqarnas

GSO, GCC Standardization Organization

Arabie saoudite

Présidence des comités techniques

M. Abdulrahman Rashed Al Askar

TC CM (Chemistry and Biology)

M. Khalid Al Dawood

TC TF (Time and Frequency)

M. Nasser Al Dawood

TC T (Thermometry)

M. Mohammad Al Fohaid

TC PR (Photometry and Radiometry)

M. Waleed Al Kalbani

TC EM (Electricity and Magnetism)

M. Fheed N. Al Subaey

TC AUV (Acoustics, Ultrasound and Vibration)

Mme Asma Alhosani

TC QS (quality)

M. Faisal Alqahtani

TC L (Length)

M. Sami Bin Jurbua

TC Mass (Mass and related quantities)

Mme Samia Mohamed

TC IR (Ionizing Radiation)

GULFMET website

GULFMET - site internet