Informations d'une personne

M. Douglas A. Olson

M. Douglas A. Olson
International Liaison and Communication - BIPM

Bureau international des poids et mesures [BIPM]

Pavillon de Breteuil

92312 Sèvres Cedex


Doug, a NIST expert on pressure metrology, is currently on secondment at the BIPM as a member of the BIPM's International Liaison and Communication (ILC) Department.

As the JCRB Executive Secretary, he is responsible for various activities related to the implementation of the CIPM MRA, most notably the submission, review, and approval of Calibration Measurement Capabilities. He also plans and coordinates the meetings of the JCRB and contributes to strategic activities of the ILC team.

Comité consultatif de photométrie et radiométrie

Personnel du BIPM participant

Du 22 au 23 septembre 2016

Comité mixte des organisations régionales de métrologie et du BIPM

Secrétariat exécutif

Du 16 au 17 mars 2016

Comité consultatif de l'acoustique, des ultrasons et des vibrations

Personnel du BIPM participant

Du 25 au 27 novembre 2015

2016 - Leaders of Tomorrow


Du 07 au 18 novembre 2016

CCPR Working Group on CMCs

Personnel du BIPM participant

20 septembre 2016

CCPR Workshop on CMC review

Personnel du BIPM participant

19 septembre 2016