Mme Carine Michotte
Dr Carine Michotte joined the BIPM in 1996 after her PhD at the University of Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium). Her expertise in radionuclide metrology is mainly in the calibration of pressurized ionization chambers, germanium detectors and NaI(Tl) scintillation detectors, the application of Monte Carlo calculations and the calculation of beta spectra. She developed the SIRTI, a transportable NaI(Tl) detector, well characterized and calibrated at the BIPM. Since 2009 Carine has been running the on-site SIRTI key comparisons of activity measurements for short-lived radionuclides such as 99mTc and 18F.
Since 2000, she has been the Executive Secretary and Rapporteur for Working Group 1 of the Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology.
In addition to peer-reviewed publications, she is the author of more than 100 key comparison reports, of BIPM reports, and of CCRI(II) working documents, and she is co-author of one BIPM Monograph.
Comité consultatif des rayonnements ionisants
Personnel du BIPM participant
Du 08 au 09 juin 2023
Comité consultatif des rayonnements ionisants
Personnel du BIPM participant
Du 08 au 10 juin 2021
Comité consultatif des rayonnements ionisants
Personnel du BIPM participant
07 juin 2019
CCRI Section II: Measurement of radionuclides
Personnel du BIPM participant
Du 05 au 07 juin 2023
CCRI Section II: Key Comparisons Working Group
Personnel du BIPM participant
24 mai 2023
JCGM Working Group on the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement
Secrétariat exécutif
Du 09 au 12 mai 2023