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37 results
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Chemical Analyte
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In the CMCs uncertainty statements, the notation Q[a, b] stands for the root-sum-square of the terms between brackets: Q[a, b] = [a 2 + b 2]1/2
Unless otherwise stated the expanded uncertainties given below correspond to k = 2 (at a 95 % level of confidence)
Singapore, NMC, A*STAR (National Metrology Centre, Agency for Science, Technology and Research)
Angle , Angle instruments : 0 ' to 30 '
Autocollimator: error of indicated angle
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.4 "
Small angle generator
Approved on 10 April 2018
Institute service identifier : NMC, A*STAR/LS/AG/002
CMC ID : APMP-L-SG-00000CW5-1
Complex geometry , CMM artefacts : 0 mm to 1200 mm
Step gauge
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.51 µm to 3.4 µm
Q[0.51 µm , 2.8 x 10-6L]
High precision CMM
Approved on 07 September 2021
Institute service identifier : LS/CMM/001
Linear dimensions , Diameter standards : 1 mm to 150 mm
External cylinder (plug, pin, wire)
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.6 µm
Single-axis measuring machine
Approved on 10 April 2018
Institute service identifier : NMC, A*STAR/D034A
CMC ID : APMP-L-SG-00000CW0-2
Angle , Angle instruments : -150 " to 150 "
Autocollimator: error of indicated angle
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 8.0E-2 "
Reference autocollimator and small angle generator
Approved on 10 April 2018
Institute service identifier : NMC, A*STAR/LS/AG/002A
CMC ID : APMP-L-SG-00000CW6-2
Linear dimensions , Diameter standards : 5 mm to 150 mm
Internal cylinder (ring)
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.5 µm
Single-axis measuring machine
Approved on 04 November 2010
Institute service identifier : NMC, A*STAR/D006A
CMC ID : APMP-L-SG-00000CW1-2
Linear dimensions , Line standards : 0 mm to 400 mm
Grid plate: grid point coordinates L; deviation from squareness
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.5 µm to 1.5 µm
Q[0.09 µm, 1.5 x 10-6L, 0.50 µm + 2.0 x 10-6L] L is the grid point coordinates
Optical comparison, Ultra QV CMM
Approved on 10 April 2018
Institute service identifier : NMC, A*STAR/LS/GP/001
Complex geometry , Surface texture : 0.01 µm to 50 µm
roughness standard: ISO roughness parameters: Ra/Rq R
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 9 nm to 9.1E2 nm
Q[9 nm, 18 x 10-3R] R is the roughness value
Stylus instrument
Approved on 10 April 2018
Institute service identifier : NMC, A*STAR/LS/SR-SH/001
Complex geometry , Surface texture : 10 µm to 500 µm
roughness standard: ISO roughness parameters: RSm
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 9.7E1 nm to 2.3E3 nm
Q[87 nm, 4.4 x 10-3RSm] R is the roughness value
Stylus instrument
Approved on 10 April 2018
Institute service identifier : NMC, A*STAR/LS/SR-SH/001
Linear dimensions , Line standards : 50 nm to 5.00E4 nm
1-D grating: pitch p
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 9.0E-2 nm to 6.0E1 nm
Q[0.06 nm, 1.2 x 10-3P] p is the pitch value
Large range metrological AFM
Approved on 04 November 2010
Institute service identifier : NMC, A*STAR/LS/SH-P/001
Linear dimensions , End standards : 0.5 mm to 100 mm
Gauge block: central length L
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 3.6E1 nm to 9.7E1 nm
Q[36 nm, 0.9 x 10-6 L] L is the central length
Mechanical comparison to gauge block
Material : ceramic, reference and test the same
Approved on 04 November 2010
Institute service identifier : NMC, A*STAR/LS/GB/002
Linear dimensions , End standards : 0.5 mm to 100 mm
Gauge block: central length L
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 2.9E1 nm to 5.6E1 nm
Q[29 nm, 0.47 x 10-6 L] L is the central length
Interferometry, fringe fraction
Material : tungsten carbide
Approved on 04 November 2010
Institute service identifier : NMC, A*STAR/LS/GB/001
Linear dimensions , Line standards : 50 nm to 5.00E4 nm
2-D grating: pitch p
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 9.0E-2 nm to 6.0E1 nm
Q[0.06 nm, 1.2 x 10-3P] p is the pitch value
Large range metrological AFM
Approved on 04 November 2010
Institute service identifier : NMC, A*STAR/LS/SH-P/001
Form , Flatness standards : 0.02 µm to 5 µm
Optical flat: flatness F
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 3.2E-2 µm
Laser interferometer
Maximum diameter : 150 mm
Approved on 10 April 2018
Institute service identifier : NMC, A*STAR/LS/GPI/001
Complex geometry , Surface texture : 0.03 µm to 600 µm
roughness standard: ISO roughness parameters: Rz/Rt R
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 2.7E1 nm to 1.1E4 nm
Q[27, 18R] R in µm
The uncertainty is expressed in nm
Stylus instrument
Approved on 10 April 2018
Institute service identifier : NMC, A*STAR/LS/SR-SH/001
Complex geometry , Surface texture : 5.00E-3 µm to 500 µm
Step height standard (e.g. ISO 5436-1 Type A1): step height h
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 4 nm to 1.1E3 nm
Q[4 nm, 2 x 10-3h] h is the step height
Stylus instrument
Approved on 10 April 2018
Institute service identifier : NMC, A*STAR/LS/SR-SH/001
Form , Roundness standards : 0 µm to 2 µm
Sphere(Hemisphere): roundness R
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 7 nm to 6.7E1 nm
Q[7 nm, 33 x 10-3R] R is the roundness value
Multi-step, work piece on spindle roundness instrument
diameter size : 5 mm to 100 mm
Approved on 10 April 2018
Institute service identifier : NMC, A*STAR/D058
CMC ID : APMP-L-SG-00000CV5-3
Form , Flatness standards : 0.1 µm to 0.2 µm
Optical flat: flatness F
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.1 µm
Maximum diameter : 150 mm
Approved on 04 November 2010
Institute service identifier : NMC, A*STAR/D029
Form , Diameter standards : 0.1 mm to 30 mm
Sphere (ball): diameter
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.5 µm
Stylus profilometer
Approved on 10 April 2018
Institute service identifier : NMC, A*STAR/LS/BD/001
CMC ID : APMP-L-SG-00000CW3-1
Linear dimensions , End standards : 0.5 mm to 100 mm
Gauge block: central length L
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 3.6E1 nm to 1.1E2 nm
Q[36 nm, 1.0 x 10-6 L] L is the central length
Mechanical comparison to gauge block
Material : steel, reference and test the same
Approved on 04 November 2010
Institute service identifier : NMC, A*STAR/LS/GB/002
Complex geometry , Surface texture : 0.05 µm to 1000 µm
Step height standard (e.g. ISO 5436-1 Type A1): step height h
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 2.4E-2 µm to 1.1E1 µm
Q[0.024 µm, 10 x 10-3h] h is the step height
laser confocal microscope
Approved on 10 April 2018
Institute service identifier : NMC, A*STAR/LS/SH/001

Select Metrology Area

General physics
Acoustics, Ultrasound, Vibration

This metrology area covers the fields of acoustics, ultrasound and vibration.

Electricity and Magnetism

This metrology area covers the fields of DC and AC measurements, impedance, electric and magnetic fields, radiofrequencies and measurements on materials.


This metrology area covers the fields of laser frequencies and dimensional metrology.

Mass and related quantities

This metrology area covers the fields of mass standards, force, pressure, density, hardness, torque, gravity and viscosity.

Chemistry and Biology
Chemistry and Biology

This metrology area covers all fields relevant to chemistry and biology.

Ionizing radiation
Ionizing Radiation

This metrology area covers the fields of dosimetry, radioactivity and neutron measurements.