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354 results
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In the CMCs uncertainty statements, the notation Q[a, b] stands for the root-sum-square of the terms between brackets: Q[a, b] = [a 2 + b 2]1/2
Unless otherwise stated the expanded uncertainties given below correspond to k = 2 (at a 95 % level of confidence)
Austria, BEV (Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen)
Time scale difference , Time scale difference : -1 s to 1 s
Local clock vs UTC
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 5.0E1 ns
Time interval counter + CV GPS measurements
Prediction interval : 20 days
Fractional part of modulo 1 second difference, integer part can be provided also.
Approved on 21 April 2005
Institute service identifier : BEV_TF_2
AC current , AC current: AC/DC current transfer : 1.00E-3 A to 100 A
Thermal converter plus shunt, AC/DC transfer standard plus shunt
Relative expanded uncertainty : 4 µA/A to 1.0E2 µA/A
{"row_1":{"col_1":"","col_2":"10 Hz to 1 kHz","col_3":"5 kHz","col_4":"10 kHz","col_5":"20 kHz","col_6":"30 kHz","col_7":"50 kHz","col_8":"70 kHz","col_9":"100 kHz","col_10":"200 kHz","col_11":"500 kHz","col_12":"700 kHz","col_13":"1 MHz"},"row_2":{"col_1":"1 mA","col_2":"13","col_3":"13","col_4":"13","col_5":"14","col_6":"15","col_7":"17","col_8":"20","col_9":"22","col_10":"-","col_11":"-","col_12":"-","col_13":"-"},"row_3":{"col_1":"5 mA","col_2":"5","col_3":"5","col_4":"5","col_5":"5","col_6":"7","col_7":"8","col_8":"10","col_9":"12","col_10":"-","col_11":"-","col_12":"-","col_13":"-"},"row_4":{"col_1":"10 mA","col_2":"4","col_3":"4","col_4":"4","col_5":"4","col_6":"5","col_7":"5","col_8":"7","col_9":"9","col_10":"25","col_11":"50","col_12":"75","col_13":"100"},"row_5":{"col_1":"20 mA","col_2":"5","col_3":"5","col_4":"5","col_5":"5","col_6":"5","col_7":"6","col_8":"8","col_9":"10","col_10":"-","col_11":"-","col_12":"-","col_13":"-"},"row_6":{"col_1":"30 mA","col_2":"5","col_3":"5","col_4":"5","col_5":"6","col_6":"6","col_7":"7","col_8":"9","col_9":"11","col_10":"-","col_11":"-","col_12":"-","col_13":"-"},"row_7":{"col_1":"50 mA","col_2":"6","col_3":"6","col_4":"6","col_5":"7","col_6":"7","col_7":"8","col_8":"10","col_9":"12","col_10":"-","col_11":"-","col_12":"-","col_13":"-"},"row_8":{"col_1":"100 mA","col_2":"7","col_3":"7","col_4":"7","col_5":"7","col_6":"8","col_7":"8","col_8":"11","col_9":"13","col_10":"-","col_11":"-","col_12":"-","col_13":"-"},"row_9":{"col_1":"200 mA","col_2":"7","col_3":"7","col_4":"7","col_5":"8","col_6":"8","col_7":"9","col_8":"11","col_9":"14","col_10":"-","col_11":"-","col_12":"-","col_13":"-"},"row_10":{"col_1":"300 mA","col_2":"7","col_3":"7","col_4":"7","col_5":"8","col_6":"9","col_7":"10","col_8":"13","col_9":"16","col_10":"-","col_11":"-","col_12":"-","col_13":"-"},"row_11":{"col_1":"500 mA","col_2":"7","col_3":"7","col_4":"8","col_5":"8","col_6":"9","col_7":"11","col_8":"15","col_9":"18","col_10":"-","col_11":"-","col_12":"-","col_13":"-"},"row_12":{"col_1":"1 A","col_2":"8","col_3":"8","col_4":"8","col_5":"9","col_6":"9","col_7":"12","col_8":"16","col_9":"20","col_10":"-","col_11":"-","col_12":"-","col_13":"-"},"row_13":{"col_1":"2 A","col_2":"9","col_3":"9","col_4":"9","col_5":"10","col_6":"11","col_7":"13","col_8":"18","col_9":"22","col_10":"-","col_11":"-","col_12":"-","col_13":"-"},"row_14":{"col_1":"5 A","col_2":"9","col_3":"9","col_4":"10","col_5":"10","col_6":"11","col_7":"14","col_8":"19","col_9":"24","col_10":"-","col_11":"-","col_12":"-","col_13":"-"},"row_15":{"col_1":"10 A","col_2":"11","col_3":"11","col_4":"12","col_5":"13","col_6":"15","col_7":"18","col_8":"24","col_9":"30","col_10":"-","col_11":"-","col_12":"-","col_13":"-"},"row_16":{"col_1":"20 A","col_2":"12","col_3":"12","col_4":"13","col_5":"14","col_6":"17","col_7":"21","col_8":"28","col_9":"37","col_10":"-","col_11":"-","col_12":"-","col_13":"-"},"row_17":{"col_1":"50 A","col_2":"13","col_3":"14","col_4":"16","col_5":"18","col_6":"20","col_7":"28","col_8":"40","col_9":"53","col_10":"-","col_11":"-","col_12":"-","col_13":"-"},"row_18":{"col_1":"100 A","col_2":"15","col_3":"17","col_4":"20","col_5":"23","col_6":"31","col_7":"40","col_8":"59","col_9":"80","col_10":"-","col_11":"-","col_12":"-","col_13":"-"}}
The expanded uncertainties given in this table are expressed in µA/A
Comparison with reference standard
Frequency : 10 Hz to 1 MHz
Approved on 06 January 2015
Institute service identifier : BEV/31
AC voltage (up to the MHz range) , AC voltage: AC/DC transfer difference at medium voltage : 0.5 V to 2 V
Thermal converter, AC-DC transfer standard
Relative expanded uncertainty : 4 µV/V to 5.8E1 µV/V
{"row_1":{"col_1":"","col_2":"10 Hz to 30 Hz","col_3":"40 Hz to 10 kHz","col_4":"20 kHz","col_5":"50 kHz","col_6":"100 kHz","col_7":"200 kHz","col_8":"500 kHz","col_9":"700 kHz","col_10":"1 MHz"},"row_2":{"col_1":"2 mV","col_2":"200","col_3":"200","col_4":"200","col_5":"200","col_6":"210","col_7":"220","col_8":"240","col_9":"270","col_10":"350"},"row_3":{"col_1":"10 mV","col_2":"60","col_3":"60","col_4":"60","col_5":"60","col_6":"70","col_7":"90","col_8":"120","col_9":"150","col_10":"200"},"row_4":{"col_1":"100 mV","col_2":"20","col_3":"20","col_4":"22","col_5":"25","col_6":"30","col_7":"35","col_8":"70","col_9":"90","col_10":"120"},"row_5":{"col_1":"200 mV","col_2":"8","col_3":"8","col_4":"8","col_5":"8","col_6":"10","col_7":"14","col_8":"20","col_9":"40","col_10":"80"},"row_6":{"col_1":"500 mV","col_2":"6","col_3":"6","col_4":"6","col_5":"6","col_6":"8","col_7":"12","col_8":"16","col_9":"30","col_10":"50"},"row_7":{"col_1":"1 V","col_2":"4","col_3":"4","col_4":"4","col_5":"4","col_6":"6","col_7":"8","col_8":"12","col_9":"24","col_10":"34"},"row_8":{"col_1":"2 V","col_2":"4","col_3":"4","col_4":"4","col_5":"6","col_6":"6","col_7":"10","col_8":"16","col_9":"30","col_10":"58"},"row_9":{"col_1":"5 V","col_2":"6","col_3":"6","col_4":"8","col_5":"8","col_6":"10","col_7":"14","col_8":"20","col_9":"32","col_10":"80"},"row_10":{"col_1":"10 V","col_2":"8","col_3":"8","col_4":"10","col_5":"10","col_6":"12","col_7":"16","col_8":"24","col_9":"46","col_10":"80"},"row_11":{"col_1":"20 V","col_2":"10","col_3":"10","col_4":"10","col_5":"10","col_6":"12","col_7":"16","col_8":"28","col_9":"56","col_10":"80"},"row_12":{"col_1":"50 V","col_2":"10","col_3":"10","col_4":"12","col_5":"12","col_6":"14","col_7":"18","col_8":"30","col_9":"64","col_10":"80"},"row_13":{"col_1":"100 V","col_2":"12","col_3":"12","col_4":"14","col_5":"14","col_6":"16","col_7":"20","col_8":"-","col_9":"-","col_10":"-"},"row_14":{"col_1":"200 V","col_2":"14","col_3":"14","col_4":"14","col_5":"14","col_6":"16","col_7":"-","col_8":"-","col_9":"-","col_10":"-"},"row_15":{"col_1":"500 V","col_2":"-","col_3":"18","col_4":"20","col_5":"22","col_6":"30","col_7":"-","col_8":"-","col_9":"-","col_10":"-"},"row_16":{"col_1":"1000 V","col_2":"-","col_3":"20","col_4":"32","col_5":"-","col_6":"-","col_7":"-","col_8":"-","col_9":"-","col_10":"-"}}
The expanded uncertainties given in this table are expressed in µV/V
Comparison with reference standard
Frequency : 10 Hz to 1 MHz
Approved on 06 January 2015
Institute service identifier : BEV/22b
AC voltage (up to the MHz range) , AC voltage up to 1000 V: meters : 0.1 V to 1000 V
AC voltmeter, multimeter, multifunction transfer standard
Relative expanded uncertainty : 1.8E1 µV/V to 1.2E3 µV/V
{"row_1":{"col_1":"","col_2":"10 Hz","col_3":"20 Hz","col_4":"30 Hz","col_5":"40 Hz","col_6":"55 Hz","col_7":"1 kHz","col_8":"10 kHz","col_9":"20 kHz","col_10":"50 kHz","col_11":"100 kHz","col_12":"200 kHz","col_13":"500 kHz","col_14":"700 kHz","col_15":"1 MHz"},"row_2":{"col_1":"100 mV","col_2":"110","col_3":"80","col_4":"75","col_5":"75","col_6":"70","col_7":"70","col_8":"70","col_9":"70","col_10":"74","col_11":"110","col_12":"200","col_13":"440","col_14":"1200","col_15":"1200"},"row_3":{"col_1":"200 mV","col_2":"100","col_3":"70","col_4":"60","col_5":"60","col_6":"55","col_7":"55","col_8":"55","col_9":"55","col_10":"55","col_11":"90","col_12":"180","col_13":"390","col_14":"1200","col_15":"1200"},"row_4":{"col_1":"500 mV","col_2":"80","col_3":"45","col_4":"40","col_5":"40","col_6":"40","col_7":"40","col_8":"40","col_9":"40","col_10":"45","col_11":"75","col_12":"160","col_13":"340","col_14":"1200","col_15":"1200"},"row_5":{"col_1":"1 V","col_2":"32","col_3":"22","col_4":"20","col_5":"20","col_6":"20","col_7":"20","col_8":"20","col_9":"20","col_10":"20","col_11":"30","col_12":"54","col_13":"110","col_14":"370","col_15":"370"},"row_6":{"col_1":"2 V","col_2":"34","col_3":"22","col_4":"20","col_5":"20","col_6":"18","col_7":"18","col_8":"18","col_9":"18","col_10":"20","col_11":"30","col_12":"55","col_13":"110","col_14":"370","col_15":"380"},"row_7":{"col_1":"5 V","col_2":"40","col_3":"30","col_4":"25","col_5":"25","col_6":"25","col_7":"25","col_8":"25","col_9":"25","col_10":"25","col_11":"40","col_12":"70","col_13":"190","col_14":"520","col_15":"630"},"row_8":{"col_1":"10 V","col_2":"40","col_3":"30","col_4":"25","col_5":"25","col_6":"25","col_7":"25","col_8":"25","col_9":"25","col_10":"25","col_11":"40","col_12":"70","col_13":"190","col_14":"520","col_15":"630"},"row_9":{"col_1":"20 V","col_2":"40","col_3":"30","col_4":"25","col_5":"25","col_6":"25","col_7":"25","col_8":"25","col_9":"25","col_10":"25","col_11":"40","col_12":"70","col_13":"190","col_14":"520","col_15":"630"},"row_10":{"col_1":"50 V","col_2":"50","col_3":"30","col_4":"25","col_5":"25","col_6":"25","col_7":"25","col_8":"25","col_9":"25","col_10":"25","col_11":"42","col_12":"80","col_13":"-","col_14":"-","col_15":"-"},"row_11":{"col_1":"100 V","col_2":"50","col_3":"35","col_4":"30","col_5":"30","col_6":"25","col_7":"25","col_8":"27","col_9":"27","col_10":"30","col_11":"45","col_12":"-","col_13":"-","col_14":"-","col_15":"-"},"row_12":{"col_1":"200 V","col_2":"60","col_3":"40","col_4":"35","col_5":"30","col_6":"30","col_7":"25","col_8":"27","col_9":"27","col_10":"30","col_11":"45","col_12":"-","col_13":"-","col_14":"-","col_15":"-"},"row_13":{"col_1":"500 V","col_2":"-","col_3":"-","col_4":"-","col_5":"35","col_6":"35","col_7":"35","col_8":"35","col_9":"35","col_10":"65","col_11":"210","col_12":"-","col_13":"-","col_14":"-","col_15":"-"},"row_14":{"col_1":"1000 V","col_2":"-","col_3":"-","col_4":"-","col_5":"45","col_6":"45","col_7":"40","col_8":"50","col_9":"-","col_10":"-","col_11":"-","col_12":"-","col_13":"-","col_14":"-","col_15":"-"}}
The expanded uncertainties given in this table are expressed in µV/V
AC/DC transfer standard
Frequency : 10 Hz to 1 MHz
Approved on 06 August 2013
Institute service identifier : BEV/28
AC power , AC power and energy: three phase, apparent energy : 20 VAs to 1.80E7 VAs
Energy meter
Relative expanded uncertainty : 8.0E1 µVAs (VAs)-1 to 2.2E2 µVAs (VAs)-1
{"row_1":{"col_1":"","col_2":"50 Hz to 60 Hz"},"row_2":{"col_1":"0.005 A to 0.05 A","col_2":"220"},"row_3":{"col_1":"> 0.05 A to 120 A","col_2":"80"}}
The expanded uncertainties given in this table are expressed in µW/VA, µWs/VAs, µvar/VA, µvars/VAs, µVA/VA or µVAs/VAs
Comparison with reference standard
Voltage : 50 V to 500 V
Current : 0.005 A to 120 A
Power factor : 1 to 0.25, inductive or capacitive
Frequency : 50 Hz to 60 Hz
Measuring time : 100 s to 10000 s
Measurand range values valid for a typical measurement time of 100 s.
Approved on 07 February 2019
Institute service identifier : BEV/38b3
AC power , AC power and energy: three phase, apparent power : 0.2 VA to 1.80E5 VA
Power meter
Relative expanded uncertainty : 8.0E1 µVA (VA)-1 to 2.2E2 µVA (VA)-1
{"row_1":{"col_1":"","col_2":"50 Hz to 60 Hz"},"row_2":{"col_1":"0.005 A to 0.05 A","col_2":"220"},"row_3":{"col_1":"> 0.05 A to 120 A","col_2":"80"}}
The expanded uncertainties given in this table are expressed in µW/VA, µWs/VAs, µvar/VA, µvars/VAs, µVA/VA or µVAs/VAs
Comparison with reference standard
Voltage : 50 V to 500 V
Current : 0.005 A to 120 A
Power factor : 1 to 0.25, inductive or capacitive
Frequency : 50 Hz to 60 Hz
Approved on 07 February 2019
Institute service identifier : BEV/38a3
DC resistance , DC resistance standards and sources: high values : 1 MΩ to 1000 MΩ
Fixed resistor, resistance box
Relative expanded uncertainty : 6 µΩ/Ω to 9.0E1 µΩ/Ω
{"row_1":{"col_1":"","col_2":"Expanded uncertainty"},"row_2":{"col_1":"1 MΩ to 100 MΩ","col_2":"6 to 16"},"row_3":{"col_1":"100 MΩ to 1000 MΩ","col_2":"16 to 90"}}
The expanded uncertainties given in this table are expressed in microohm/ohm
Resistance bridge
Voltage : 100 V to 1000 V
In oil, temperature 15 °C to 30 °C
Approved on 06 August 2013
Institute service identifier : BEV/11
Mass , Mass : 1 mg to 100 mg
Mass standard
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.5 µg to 0.7 µg
Comparison in air
Temperature : 18 °C to 23 °C
Relative humidity : 40 % to 60 %
Uncertainty scales with measurand level.
The volume of the mass standards is known.
Approved on 31 January 2018
Pressure , Absolute pressure : 5000 Pa to 1.20E5 Pa
Digital piston manometer
Absolute expanded uncertainty
0.5 + 4E-05p

p pressure in Pa

The uncertainty is expressed in Pa

Gas medium
Uncertainty values range from 0.7 Pa to 5.3 Pa
Approved on 21 October 2001
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Reference material : 1 Bq/g to 1000 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 4 %
Gamma ray spectrometer
Pb-210, ML - 4
Reference standard : Gamma ray spectrometer
Source of traceability : PTB (Bq), BEV (g)
The following radionuclides are present in this reference material: Co-57, Cd-109, Pb-210 and Am-241
Approved on 21 October 2001
Institute service identifier : EUR-RAD-BEV-2072
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Single nuclide solution : 9.00E4 Bq/g to 9.00E9 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 1.6 %
Well type ionization chamber, balance
Eu-152, no further specifications
Reference standard : Secondary standard ionization chamber
Source of traceability : NPL (Bq), BEV (g)
Approved on 21 October 2001
Institute service identifier : EUR-RAD-BEV-2039
Ionizing radiation
Personal dose equivalent/rate, penetrating , Dosemeter : 1.00E-3 Sv/h to 0.1 Sv/h
Relative expanded uncertainty 5 %
Conversion coefficient, calibration on ISO water slab phantom against a calibrated monitor chamber free in air
X-ray, 50 kV to 420 kV, ISO-4037 Narrow-spectrum Series, 60 kV to 300 kV, max. 30 mA
Reference standard : Free air parallel plate ionisation chamber
Source of traceability : BEV
Approved on 24 January 2012
Institute service identifier : EUR-RAD-BEV-1038
Ionizing radiation
Personal dose equivalent/rate, penetrating , Dosemeter : 0.01 Sv/h to 1 Sv/h
Relative expanded uncertainty 5 %
Conversion coefficient, calibration on ISO water slab phantom against a calibrated monitor chamber free in air
X-ray, 50 kV to 420 kV, ISO-4037 Wide-spectrum Series, 60 kV to 300 kV, max. 30 mA
Reference standard : Free air parallel plate ionisation chamber
Source of traceability : BEV
Approved on 24 January 2012
Institute service identifier : EUR-RAD-BEV-1039
Ionizing radiation
Directional dose equivalent/rate , Dosemeter : 1.00E-6 Sv/h to 0.3 Sv/h
Relative expanded uncertainty 3 %
Conversion coefficient, irradiation in a calibrated field in air, substitution of the graphite cavity ionisation chamber
Cs-137, ISO-4037, 2.3 TBq (31.12.2008), 50 GBq (31.12.2008), 0.5 GBq (31.12.2008), 1 m to 18 m SDD
Reference standard : Graphite cavity ionisation chamber
Source of traceability : BEV
Approved on 24 January 2012
Institute service identifier : EUR-RAD-BEV-1034
Ionizing radiation
Directional dose equivalent/rate , Dosemeter : 5.00E-8 Sv/h to 1.00E-6 Sv/h
Relative expanded uncertainty 7 % to 3 %
Conversion coefficient, irradiation in a calibrated field in air, substitution of the graphite cavity ionisation chamber
Cs-137, ISO-4037, 0.5 GBq (31.12.2008), 1 m to 18 m SDD
Reference standard : Graphite cavity ionisation chamber
Source of traceability : BEV
Approved on 24 January 2012
Institute service identifier : EUR-RAD-BEV-1035
Ionizing radiation
Kerma/rate , Dosemeter : 0.1 Gy/h to 0.3 Gy/h
Relative expanded uncertainty 1 %
Irradiation in a calibrated field in air, substitution of the graphite cavity ionisation chamber, transfer chamber to calibrate a user beam
Cs-137, ISO-4037, 2.3 TBq (31.12.2008), 100 cm SDD, 26 cm diam. FS
Reference standard : Graphite cavity ionisation chamber
Source of traceability : BEV
Approved on 24 January 2012
Institute service identifier : EUR-RAD-BEV-1006
Ionizing radiation
Kerma/rate , Dosemeter : 1.00E-6 Gy/s to 1.00E-4 Gy/s
Relative expanded uncertainty 0.8 %
Calibration against a calibrated monitor chamber free in air
X-ray, 50 kV to 420 kV, IEC 61267 RQA Series, 40 kV to 150 kV, max. 30 mA
Reference standard : Free air parallel plate ionisation chamber
Source of traceability : BEV
Approved on 24 January 2012
Institute service identifier : EUR-RAD-BEV-1015
Ionizing radiation
Kerma/rate , Dosemeter : 1.00E-4 Gy/s to 1.00E-3 Gy/s
Relative expanded uncertainty 0.8 %
Calibration against a calibrated monitor chamber free in air
X-ray, 50 kV to 420 kV, BIPM-CCEMRI: 1972, 100 kV to 250 kV, max. 30 mA
Reference standard : Free air parallel plate ionisation chamber
Source of traceability : BEV
Approved on 24 January 2012
Institute service identifier : EUR-RAD-BEV-1011
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Reference material : 1 Bq/g to 1000 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 1.5E1 %
Gamma ray spectrometer
Am-241, reference material, mixed gamma ray nuclides, matrix quartz sand
Reference standard : Gamma ray spectrometer
Source of traceability : OMH (Bq), BEV (g)
The following radionuclides are present in this reference material: Mn-54, Co-57, Co-60, Am-241, Cd-109, Ba-133, Cs-134, and Cs-137
Approved on 21 October 2001
Institute service identifier : EUR-RAD-BEV-2069
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Reference material : 1 Bq/g to 1000 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 1.3E1 %
Gamma ray spectrometer
Am-241, reference material, mixed gamma ray nuclides, matrix bentonite
Reference standard : Gamma ray spectrometer
Source of traceability : OMH (Bq), BEV (g)
The following radionuclides are present in this reference material: Mn-54, Co-57, Co-60, Am-241, Cd-109, Ba-133, Cs-134, and Cs-137
Approved on 21 October 2001
Institute service identifier : EUR-RAD-BEV-2068

Select Metrology Area

General physics
Acoustics, Ultrasound, Vibration

This metrology area covers the fields of acoustics, ultrasound and vibration.

Electricity and Magnetism

This metrology area covers the fields of DC and AC measurements, impedance, electric and magnetic fields, radiofrequencies and measurements on materials.


This metrology area covers the fields of laser frequencies and dimensional metrology.

Mass and related quantities

This metrology area covers the fields of mass standards, force, pressure, density, hardness, torque, gravity and viscosity.

Chemistry and Biology
Chemistry and Biology

This metrology area covers all fields relevant to chemistry and biology.

Ionizing radiation
Ionizing Radiation

This metrology area covers the fields of dosimetry, radioactivity and neutron measurements.