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76 results
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In the CMCs uncertainty statements, the notation Q[a, b] stands for the root-sum-square of the terms between brackets: Q[a, b] = [a 2 + b 2]1/2
Unless otherwise stated the expanded uncertainties given below correspond to k = 2 (at a 95 % level of confidence)
Chile, CESMEC (Centro de Estudios, Medición y Certificación de Calidad)
Items for disseminating ITS-90 and PLTS 2000 , Temperature : 250 °C to 450 °C
Digital system thermometer (PRT sensor)
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 5.0E1 mK
Comparison, vertical block furnace
Hysteresis uncertainty for each IPRT must be added to the combined uncertainty quoted in the Calibration Report
Approved on 12 July 2007
CMC ID : SIM-T-CL-00000BKS-1
Items for disseminating ITS-90 and PLTS 2000 , Temperature : 10 °C to 90 °C
Platinum Resistance Thermometer
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 1.0E1 mK
Comparison, stirred water bath
Hysteresis uncertainty for each IPRT must be added to the combined uncertainty quoted in the Calibration Report
Approved on 12 July 2007
CMC ID : SIM-T-CL-00000BKL-1
Items for disseminating ITS-90 and PLTS 2000 , Temperature : 450 °C to 660 °C
Digital system thermometer (PRT sensor)
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 7.0E1 mK
Comparison, vertical block furnace
Hysteresis uncertainty for each IPRT must be added to the combined uncertainty quoted in the Calibration Report
Approved on 12 July 2007
CMC ID : SIM-T-CL-00000BKT-1
Items for disseminating ITS-90 and PLTS 2000 , Temperature : 250 °C to 450 °C
Platinum Resistance Thermometer
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 5.0E1 mK
Comparison, vertical block furnace
Hysteresis uncertainty for each IPRT must be added to the combined uncertainty quoted in the Calibration Report
Approved on 12 July 2007
CMC ID : SIM-T-CL-00000BKN-1
Items for disseminating ITS-90 and PLTS 2000 , Temperature : -40 °C to 10 °C
Digital system thermometer (PRT sensor)
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 2.5E1 mK
Comparison, stirred alcohol bath
Hysteresis uncertainty for each IPRT must be added to the combined uncertainty quoted in the Calibration Report
Approved on 12 July 2007
CMC ID : SIM-T-CL-00000BKP-1
Items for disseminating ITS-90 and PLTS 2000 , Temperature : -40 °C to 10 °C
Platinum Resistance Thermometer
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 1.5E1 mK
Comparison, stirred alcohol bath
Hysteresis uncertainty for each IPRT must be added to the combined uncertainty quoted in the Calibration Report
Approved on 12 July 2007
CMC ID : SIM-T-CL-00000BKK-1
Items for disseminating ITS-90 and PLTS 2000 , Temperature : 90 °C to 250 °C
Digital system thermometer (PRT sensor)
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 2.5E1 mK
Comparison, stirred silicon oil bath
Hysteresis uncertainty for each IPRT must be added to the combined uncertainty quoted in the Calibration Report
Approved on 12 July 2007
CMC ID : SIM-T-CL-00000BKR-1
Items for disseminating ITS-90 and PLTS 2000 , Temperature : 10 °C to 90 °C
Digital system thermometer (PRT sensor)
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 1.5E1 mK
Comparison, stirred water bath
Hysteresis uncertainty for each IPRT must be added to the combined uncertainty quoted in the Calibration Report
Approved on 12 July 2007
CMC ID : SIM-T-CL-00000BKQ-1
Items for disseminating ITS-90 and PLTS 2000 , Temperature : 90 °C to 250 °C
Platinum Resistance Thermometer
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 1.5E1 mK
Comparison, stirred silicon oil bath
Hysteresis uncertainty for each IPRT must be added to the combined uncertainty quoted in the Calibration Report
Approved on 12 July 2007
CMC ID : SIM-T-CL-00000BKM-1
Items for disseminating ITS-90 and PLTS 2000 , Temperature : 450 °C to 660 °C
Platinum Resistance Thermometer
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 7.0E1 mK
Comparison, vertical block furnace
Hysteresis uncertainty for each IPRT must be added to the combined uncertainty quoted in the Calibration Report
Approved on 12 July 2007
CMC ID : SIM-T-CL-00000BKO-1
Chile, DICTUC S.A. (Laboratorio Custodio de Patrones Nacionales de Longitud, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
Linear dimensions , End Standard : 125 mm to 500 mm
Length bar (long gauge block): central length L
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 1.0E2 nm to 2.5E2 nm
{"row_1":{"col_1":"<strong>Type</strong>","col_2":"<strong>KCDB internal CMC identifier</strong>","col_3":"<strong>Metrology area</strong>","col_4":"<strong>Branch</strong>","col_5":"<strong contenteditable=\"true\">Service code</strong>","col_6":"<strong>Sub service</strong>","col_7":"<strong>Individual service</strong>","col_8":"<strong contenteditable=\"true\">Institute service identifier</strong>","col_9":"<strong contenteditable=\"true\">Institute service link</strong>","col_10":"<strong>Quantity</strong>","col_11":"<strong>Instrument or artifact</strong>","col_12":"<strong>Instrument type or method</strong>","col_13":"<strong>International standard</strong>","col_14":"<strong>Measurand Unit</strong>","col_15":"<strong>Measurand Lower limit</strong>","col_16":"<strong>Measurand Upper limit</strong>","col_17":"<strong>Parameter 1</strong>","col_18":"<strong>Value of Parameter 1</strong>","col_19":"<strong>Parameter 2</strong>","col_20":"<strong>Value of Parameter 2</strong>","col_21":"<strong>Parameter 3</strong>","col_22":"<strong>Value of Parameter 3</strong>","col_23":"<strong>Parameter 4</strong>","col_24":"<strong>Value of Parameter 4</strong>","col_25":"<strong>Parameter 5</strong>","col_26":"<strong>Value of Parameter 5</strong>","col_27":"<strong>Expanded uncertainty Unit</strong>","col_28":"<strong>Expanded uncertainty U min</strong>","col_29":"<strong>Expanded uncertainty U max</strong>","col_30":"<strong>Expanded uncertainty Coverage factor</strong>","col_31":"<strong>Expanded uncertainty confidence level in %</strong>","col_32":"<strong>Absolute or Relative uncertainty</strong>","col_33":"<strong contenteditable=\"true\">Expanded uncertainty Table name</strong>","col_34":"<strong>Expanded uncertainty Table comment</strong>","col_35":"<strong>Expanded uncertainty Equation</strong>","col_36":"<strong>Expanded uncertainty Equation comment</strong>","col_37":"<strong>Reference Standard used in calibration</strong>","col_38":"<strong>Source of traceability</strong>","col_39":"<strong>Group identifier</strong>","col_40":"<strong>KCDB support for CMC claim</strong>","col_41":"<strong contenteditable=\"true\">Other support</strong>","col_42":"<strong>Comments for publication</strong>"},"row_2":{"col_1":"<strong>PHYSICS</strong>","col_2":"<br>","col_3":"<strong>L</strong>","col_4":"<strong>L/DimMet</strong>","col_5":"<strong>2</strong>","col_6":"<strong>2</strong>","col_7":"<strong>2</strong>","col_8":"<strong>BPL01-LN</strong>","col_9":"<br>","col_10":"<strong>End Standard</strong>","col_11":"<strong>Length bar (long gauge block): central length L</strong>","col_12":"<strong>1-D horizontal comparator stylus, with gauge blocks substitution</strong>","col_13":"<strong></strong>","col_14":"<strong>mm</strong>","col_15":"<strong>125</strong>","col_16":"<strong>500</strong>","col_17":"<strong></strong>","col_18":"<strong></strong>","col_19":"<strong></strong>","col_20":"<strong></strong>","col_21":"<strong></strong>","col_22":"<strong></strong>","col_23":"<strong></strong>","col_24":"<strong></strong>","col_25":"<strong></strong>","col_26":"<strong></strong>","col_27":"<strong>nm</strong>","col_28":"<strong>1E+02</strong>","col_29":"<strong>2.5E+02</strong>","col_30":"<strong>2</strong>","col_31":"<strong>95</strong>","col_32":"<strong>Absolute</strong>","col_33":"<strong contenteditable=\"true\">Template Physics CMC-Dictuc</strong>","col_34":"<br>","col_35":"<strong>Q[81nm, 0.46E-6L]</strong>","col_36":"<strong>L representing the length of gauge block in nm </strong>","col_37":"<strong>Long gauge blocks</strong>","col_38":"<strong>PTB</strong>","col_39":"<strong></strong>","col_40":"<strong contenteditable=\"true\">SIM.L-S8<br>in process</strong>","col_41":"<strong>Non-formal comparison with CENAM </strong>","col_42":"<strong>Peer review by Carlos Colin, from Cenam (Oct. 2018)</strong>"}}
Q[81 nm, 0.46E-6L] L representing the length of gauge block in nm .
1-D horizontal comparator stylus, with gauge blocks substitution
Peer review by Carlos Colin, from Cenam (Oct. 2018)
Approved on 25 January 2022
Institute service identifier : BPL01-LN
CMC ID : SIM-L-CL-00000NFG-1
Linear dimensions , End standards : 0.5 mm to 100 mm
Gauge block: central length L
Absolute expanded uncertainty
60 + 0.6L

L in mm, values range from 60 nm to 120 nm

The uncertainty is expressed in nm

Mechanical comparison to gauge block
Material : steel
Approved on 06 October 2009
CMC ID : SIM-L-CL-000005P9-1
Pressure , Gauge pressure, gas medium : 8 kPa to 700 kPa
Pressure measuring device, standard pressure generator, pressure balance
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 5.2E-4 kPa to 1.1E-2 kPa
1.5E-5*Pe+4E-4 Pe in kPa
Direct comparison, crossfloat
Euramet cg-3; DKD-R 6-1
Approved on 01 July 2022
Institute service identifier : ENAER-P-02
CMC ID : SIM-M-CL-00000NTM-1
Pressure , Gauge pressure, gas medium : 1.5 kPa to 8 kPa
Pressure measuring device, standard pressure generator, pressure balance
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 3.8E-4 kPa to 5.1E-4 kPa
2.0E-5*Pe+3.5E-4 Pe in kPa
Direct comparison, crossfloat
Euramet cg-3; DKD-R 6-1
Approved on 01 July 2022
Institute service identifier : ENAER-P-01
CMC ID : SIM-M-CL-00000NTL-1
Pressure , Gauge pressure, gas medium : 3500 kPa to 7000 kPa
Pressure measuring device, standard pressure generator, pressure balance
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 8.0E-2 kPa to 0.16 kPa
2.2E-5*Pe+25E-4 Pe in kPa
Direct comparison, crossfloat
Euramet cg-3; DKD-R 6-1
Approved on 01 July 2022
Institute service identifier : ENAER-P-04
CMC ID : SIM-M-CL-00000NTO-1
Pressure , Gauge pressure, gas medium : 700 kPa to 3500 kPa
Pressure measuring device, standard pressure generator, pressure balance
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 1.7E-2 kPa to 7.8E-2 kPa
2.2E-5*Pe+12E-4 Pe in kPa
Direct comparison, crossfloat
Euramet cg-3; DKD-R 6-1
Approved on 01 July 2022
Institute service identifier : ENAER-P-03
CMC ID : SIM-M-CL-00000NTN-1
Chile, INN (Instituto Nacional de Normalización)
Mass , Conventional mass : 10 mg
Standard weights
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 2.0E-3 mg
Substitution weighing with buoyancy correction
Laboratory temperature : 18 °C to 27 °C, the allowed temperature change in 1 hour is equal to ± 0.5 ºC, in 4 hours: ± 0.7 ºC and in 24 hours: ± 1 ºC
Humidity : 40 % to 60 %, the allowed humidity change in 4 hours is equal to ± 10 %
Service provided by CESMEC (Centro de Estudios, Medición y Certificación de Calidad).
Approved on 04 May 2006
Institute service identifier : INN/131-750
CMC ID : SIM-M-CL-0000055N-1
Mass , Conventional mass : 20 mg
Standard weights
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 3.0E-3 mg
Substitution weighing with buoyancy correction
Laboratory temperature : 18 °C to 27 °C, the allowed temperature change in 1 hour is equal to ± 0.5 ºC, in 4 hours: ± 0.7 ºC and in 24 hours: ± 1 ºC
Humidity : 40 % to 60 %, the allowed humidity change in 4 hours is equal to ± 10 %
Service provided by CESMEC (Centro de Estudios, Medición y Certificación de Calidad).
Approved on 04 May 2006
Institute service identifier : INN/131-750
CMC ID : SIM-M-CL-0000055O-1
Mass , Conventional mass : 1 mg
Standard weights
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 2.0E-3 mg
Substitution weighing with buoyancy correction
Laboratory temperature : 18 °C to 27 °C, the allowed temperature change in 1 hour is equal to ± 0.5 ºC, in 4 hours: ± 0.7 ºC and in 24 hours: ± 1 ºC
Humidity : 40 % to 60 %, the allowed humidity change in 4 hours is equal to ± 10 %
Service provided by CESMEC (Centro de Estudios, Medición y Certificación de Calidad).
Approved on 04 May 2006
Institute service identifier : INN/131-750
CMC ID : SIM-M-CL-0000055K-1
Mass , Conventional mass : 50 kg
Standard weights
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 7.5E1 mg
Substitution weighing with buoyancy correction
Laboratory temperature : 18 °C to 27 °C, the allowed temperature change in 1 hour is equal to ± 0.5 ºC, in 4 hours: ± 0.7 ºC and in 24 hours: ± 1 ºC
Humidity : 40 % to 60 %, the allowed humidity change in 4 hours is equal to ± 10 %
Service provided by CESMEC (Centro de Estudios, Medición y Certificación de Calidad).
Approved on 04 May 2006
Institute service identifier : INN/131-750
CMC ID : SIM-M-CL-0000055J-1

Select Metrology Area

General physics
Acoustics, Ultrasound, Vibration

This metrology area covers the fields of acoustics, ultrasound and vibration.

Electricity and Magnetism

This metrology area covers the fields of DC and AC measurements, impedance, electric and magnetic fields, radiofrequencies and measurements on materials.


This metrology area covers the fields of laser frequencies and dimensional metrology.

Mass and related quantities

This metrology area covers the fields of mass standards, force, pressure, density, hardness, torque, gravity and viscosity.

Chemistry and Biology
Chemistry and Biology

This metrology area covers all fields relevant to chemistry and biology.

Ionizing radiation
Ionizing Radiation

This metrology area covers the fields of dosimetry, radioactivity and neutron measurements.