In the CMCs uncertainty statements, the notation Q[a, b] stands for the root-sum-square of the terms between brackets: Q[a, b] = [a 2 + b 2]1/2
Unless otherwise stated the expanded uncertainties given below correspond to k = 2 (at a 95 % level of confidence)
Denmark, DFM (Danish Fundamental Metrology A/S)
Matrix or material Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Electrolytic conductivity in mS/m Relative expanded uncertainty in % Electrolytic conductivity in mS/m Relative expanded uncertainty in %
aqueous solution 1 to 25 6.0E-2 to 0.67 10 to 25 0.19 to 0.25
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration and CRM: aqueous solution of KCl
  • Temperature range 15 °C to 35 °C
  • Approved on 06 December 2011
  • Institute service identifier : K03.001-1
  • CMC ID : EURAMET-QM-DK-000000TK-1
Matrix or material Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
pH in Absolute expanded uncertainty in pH in Absolute expanded uncertainty in
aqueous pH buffer solution 3.8 to 4.2 2.0E-3 3.8 to 4.2 2.0E-3
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM: primary phthalate buffer, measurement of solution
  • pH determined at 15 °C, 25 °C and 37 °C. Data given in table for 25 °C. Declared uncertainties do not include the uncertainty contribution due to the Bates-Guggenheim convention (~ 0.010, k = 2)
  • Approved on 19 June 2014
  • Institute service identifier : R03.101
  • CMC ID : EURAMET-QM-DK-000000JL-1
Matrix or material Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
pH in Absolute expanded uncertainty in pH in Absolute expanded uncertainty in
aqueous pH buffer solution 6 to 9.5 2.0E-3 6.9 to 7.9 2.0E-3
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM: primary 1:3.5 phosphate buffer, measurement of solution
  • pH determined at 15 °C, 25 °C and 37 °C. Data given in table for 25 °C. Declared uncertainties do not include the uncertainty contribution due to the Bates-Guggenheim convention (~ 0.010, k = 2)
  • Approved on 06 December 2011
  • Institute service identifier : R03.103
  • CMC ID : EURAMET-QM-DK-000000JJ-1
Matrix or material Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
pH in Absolute expanded uncertainty in pH in Absolute expanded uncertainty in
aqueous pH buffer solution 6 to 9.5 2.0E-3 6.4 to 7.3 2.0E-3
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM: primary 1:1 phosphate buffer, measurement of solution
  • pH determined at 15 °C, 25 °C and 37 °C. Data given in table for 25 °C. Declared uncertainties do not include the uncertainty contribution due to the Bates-Guggenheim convention (~ 0.010, k = 2)
  • Approved on 06 December 2011
  • Institute service identifier : R03.102
  • CMC ID : EURAMET-QM-DK-000000JI-1
Matrix or material Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
pH in Absolute expanded uncertainty in pH in Absolute expanded uncertainty in
aqueous pH buffer solution 9.5 to 10.5 3.0E-3 9.5 to 10.5 3.0E-3
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : CRM: primary carbonate buffer, measurement of solution
  • pH determined at 15 °C, 25 °C and 37 °C. Data given in table for 25 °C. Declared uncertainties do not include the uncertainty contribution due to the Bates-Guggenheim convention (~ 0.010, k = 2)
  • Approved on 06 December 2011
  • Institute service identifier : R03.105
  • CMC ID : EURAMET-QM-DK-000000JK-1
Matrix or material Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Electrolytic conductivity in S/m Absolute expanded uncertainty in % Electrolytic conductivity in Absolute expanded uncertainty in
mixed solvent solutions of compositions glycerol-water and propanol-water 0.025 to 1.5 5.0E-2 to 7.0E-2
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration
  • Temperature range 15 °C to 35 °C
  • Approved on 13 June 2013
  • Institute service identifier : K03.001-4
  • CMC ID : EURAMET-QM-DK-000000TN-1
Matrix or material Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Electrolytic conductivity in mS/m Absolute expanded uncertainty in % Electrolytic conductivity in Absolute expanded uncertainty in
mixed solvent 0.09 to 25 5.0E-2 to 0.29
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration
  • Temperature range 15 °C to 35 °C
  • Approved on 06 December 2011
  • Institute service identifier : K03.001-3
  • CMC ID : EURAMET-QM-DK-000000TM-1
Matrix or material Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Electrolytic conductivity in S/m Relative expanded uncertainty in % Electrolytic conductivity in S/m Relative expanded uncertainty in %
aqueous solution 0.025 to 25 4.5E-2 to 5.2E-2 0.025 to 13 0.1 to 0.15
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration and CRM: aqueous solution of KCl
  • Temperature range 15 °C to 35 °C
  • Approved on 06 December 2011
  • Institute service identifier : K03.001-2
  • CMC ID : EURAMET-QM-DK-000000TL-1
Matrix or material Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Electrolytic conductivity in µS/m Absolute expanded uncertainty in % Electrolytic conductivity in Absolute expanded uncertainty in
aqueous solution with trace amount KCl 5 to 1500 0.5
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration of conductivity sensor or measurement system
  • Flow cells only. Temperature 25 °C.
  • Approved on 19 June 2014
  • Institute service identifier : K03.101
  • CMC ID : EURAMET-QM-DK-000000TO-1
Matrix or material Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Electrolytic conductivity in mS/m Relative expanded uncertainty in % Electrolytic conductivity in % Absolute expanded uncertainty in %
aqueous solution with trace amount KCl 1.5 to 140 0.3
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration of conductivity sensor or measurement system.
  • Flow cells only. Temperature 25 °C.
  • Approved on 01 September 2023
  • Institute service identifier : K03.103
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Airborne Particle Number Concentration in cm-3 Relative expanded uncertainty in % Airborne Particle Number Concentration in
dry air Airborne monodisperse polystyrene latex spheres with diameter ranging from 0.3 µm to 2.0 µm 0.5 to 5 5
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration
  • Nominal PSL particle diameter range 0.3 μm - 2.0 μm
  • Approved on 22 October 2020
  • Institute service identifier : DFM/2706
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Airborne Particle Number Concentration in cm-3 Relative expanded uncertainty in % Airborne Particle Number Concentration in
dry air Airborne monodisperse polystyrene latex spheres with diameter ranging from >2.0 µm to 5.0 µm 0.5 to 5 6.5
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration
  • Nominal PSL particle diameter range >2.0 μm - 5 μm
  • Approved on 22 October 2020
  • Institute service identifier : DFM/2707
  • CMC ID : EURAMET-QM-DK-00000LW0-1
Mass , Mass : 10 g to 100 g
Mass standard
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 4 µg to 1.0E1 µg
Comparison in air
Uncertainty scales with measurand level The volume of the mass standards is known
Approved on 11 October 2005
Mass , Mass : 1 mg to 100 mg
Mass standard
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.4 µg to 1 µg
Comparison in air
Uncertainty scales with measurand level The volume of the mass standards is known
Approved on 11 October 2005
Measurement microphones , Free-field sensitivity level
Measurement microphone type LS1
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 7.0E-2 dB
IEC 61094-3:1995
Frequency : 1.2 kHz to 15 kHz
Approved on 27 December 2007
Institute service identifier : DFM/K08.001
Measurement microphones , Free-field sensitivity level
Measurement microphone type LS1
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 9.0E-2 dB
IEC 61094-3:1995
Frequency : 18 kHz to 21 kHz
Approved on 27 December 2007
Institute service identifier : DFM/K08.001
Properties of detectors , Responsivity, laser, power
General detector
Relative expanded uncertainty : 0.15 %
Direct comparison
Wavelength : 476 nm, 488 nm, 514 nm, 568 nm, 633 nm, 647 nm and 550 nm to 860 nm
Power level : 0.00001 mW to 2 mW
Type of detector : photo, thermal
Approved on 30 January 2008
Properties of detectors , Responsivity, laser, power
General detector
Relative expanded uncertainty : 0.75 %
Direct comparison
Wavelength : 800 nm to 1600 nm
Power level : 0.05 mW to 1 mW
Type of detector : photo, thermal
Approved on 30 January 2008
Measurement microphones , Free-field sensitivity level
Measurement microphone types LS1, and WS1
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.12 dB
Sequential comparison
Frequency : 1.2 kHz to 15 kHz
Approved on 15 January 2009
Institute service identifier : DFM/K08.005
Measurement microphones , Free-field sensitivity level
Measurement microphone type LS2
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 7.0E-2 dB
IEC 61094-3:1995
Frequency : 3 kHz to 9.98 kHz
Approved on 27 December 2007
Institute service identifier : DFM/K08.002

Select Metrology Area

General physics
Acoustics, Ultrasound, Vibration

This metrology area covers the fields of acoustics, ultrasound and vibration.

Electricity and Magnetism

This metrology area covers the fields of DC and AC measurements, impedance, electric and magnetic fields, radiofrequencies and measurements on materials.


This metrology area covers the fields of laser frequencies and dimensional metrology.

Mass and related quantities

This metrology area covers the fields of mass standards, force, pressure, density, hardness, torque, gravity and viscosity.

Chemistry and Biology
Chemistry and Biology

This metrology area covers all fields relevant to chemistry and biology.

Ionizing radiation
Ionizing Radiation

This metrology area covers the fields of dosimetry, radioactivity and neutron measurements.