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35 results
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CMC Area
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Chemical Analyte
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In the CMCs uncertainty statements, the notation Q[a, b] stands for the root-sum-square of the terms between brackets: Q[a, b] = [a 2 + b 2]1/2
Unless otherwise stated the expanded uncertainties given below correspond to k = 2 (at a 95 % level of confidence)
Kenya, KEBS (Kenya Bureau of Standards)
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in mg/kg Absolute expanded uncertainty in mg/kg Mass fraction in Absolute expanded uncertainty in
brown rice cadmium 0.2 to 0.5 7.0E-2 to 0.12
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Provision of reference value for client samples
  • Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry used to determine cadmium mass fraction in rice after microwave digestion of the sample
  • Approved on 28 June 2016
  • Institute service identifier : 52-CCQM
  • CMC ID : AFRIMETS-QM-KE-000000UX-1
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in mg/g Absolute expanded uncertainty in % Mass fraction in Absolute expanded uncertainty in
aqueous media ethanol 0.2 to 25 1.9 to 7.2
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Reference measurement
  • Approved on 13 June 2013
  • Institute service identifier : IPS-Q11-04-2
  • CMC ID : AFRIMETS-QM-KE-000000UW-1
Linear vibration , Frequency response (modulus) : 0.1 m/s2 to 200 m/s2
Acceleration measuring instrument
Relative expanded uncertainty : 1 %
ISO 16063-21:2003 (comparison)
Frequency : 10 Hz to 1 kHz
Approved on 30 June 2016
Institute service identifier : KEBS/A2.6
Linear vibration , Voltage sensitivity (modulus)
Acceleration measuring chain/accelerometer
Relative expanded uncertainty : 2.2 %
ISO 16063-21:2003 (comparison)
Frequency : > 7.5 kHz to 10 kHz
Approved on 25 September 2018
Institute service identifier : KEBS/A2.6
Linear vibration , Charge sensitivity (modulus)
Acceleration measuring chain/accelerometer
Relative expanded uncertainty : 2 %
ISO 16063-21:2003 (comparison)
Frequency : > 5 kHz to 7.5 kHz
Approved on 25 September 2018
Institute service identifier : KEBS/A2.6
Force , Force: tension and compression : 100 kN to 1000 kN
Force measuring device
Relative expanded uncertainty : 5.0E-2 %
Lever Amplification Force Standard Machine
ISO 376
Measurement according to ISO 376
Approved on 02 February 2022
Institute service identifier : KEBS/CMC/24
Force , Force: tension and compression : 1 kN to 10 kN
Force measuring device
Relative expanded uncertainty : 5.0E-2 %
Lever Amplification Force Standard Machine
ISO 376
Measurement according to ISO 376
Approved on 02 February 2022
Institute service identifier : KEBS/CMC/18
Force , Force: tension and compression : 5 kN to 50 kN
Force measuring device
Relative expanded uncertainty : 0.1 %
Lever Amplification Force Standard Machine
Measurement according to ISO 376
Approved on 23 July 2021
Institute service identifier : KEBS/CMC/20
DC resistance , DC resistance: DC resistance standards and sources: intermediate values : 1 Ω to 1.00E4 Ω
742A Standard resistors, 4 terminal, air immersion
Relative expanded uncertainty : 1.5 µΩ/Ω to 2 µΩ/Ω
{"row_1":{"col_1":"KEBS -2.1.2","col_2":"<br>"},"row_2":{"col_1":"","col_2":"Relative Uncertainty (µΩ/Ω)"},"row_3":{"col_1":"1 Ω to 10 Ω","col_2":"2"},"row_4":{"col_1":"10 Ω to 100 Ω","col_2":"2"},"row_5":{"col_1":"100 Ω to 1 kΩ","col_2":"1.5"},"row_6":{"col_1":"1 kΩ to 10 kΩ","col_2":"1.5"}}
Guideline 6625A Resistance Bridge(current comparator) and 742A standard resistor
Temperature : 23 ± 2 °C
Relative Humidity : 50 ± 15 %R/H
Atmospheric Pressure : 840 ± 10 hPa
Approved on 04 December 2023
Institute service identifier : KEBS
Mass , Mass : 5 g
Mass standard
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 6 µg
Comparison in air
Approved on 16 May 2024
Institute service identifier : KEBS/MET/02/CMC.02
Linear vibration , Voltage sensitivity (modulus)
Acceleration measuring chain
Relative expanded uncertainty : 1.5 %
ISO 16063-21:2003 (comparison)
Frequency : >1 kHz to 5 kHz
Approved on 30 June 2016
Institute service identifier : KEBS/A2.6
DC voltage (up to 1100 V) , DC voltage sources, single values : 1.018 V to 10 V
DC Voltage Standard
Relative expanded uncertainty : 0.4 µV/V to 0.8 µV/V
{"row_1":{"col_1":"Voltage Value (V)","col_2":"Expanded Uncertainty (µV/V)"},"row_2":{"col_1":"1.018","col_2":"0.8"},"row_3":{"col_1":"10","col_2":"0.4"}}
Direct Comparison with a group of solid state voltage standards
New entry
Approved on 12 April 2021
Sound calibrators , Sound pressure level : 90 dB (reference: 20 µPa) to 140 dB (reference: 20 µPa)
Sound calibrator (single frequency 1 kHz)
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 7.0E-2 dB
Microphone method / Insert voltage technique
IEC 60942:2017
CMC applies to single frequency electro-acoustic sound calibrators and does not extend to pistonphones.
Approved on 29 September 2023
Institute service identifier : A2.3.1
Force , Force: tension and compression : 50 kN to 500 kN
Force measuring device
Relative expanded uncertainty : 5.0E-2 %
Lever Amplification Force Standard Machine
ISO 376
Approved on 23 July 2021
Institute service identifier : KEBS/CMC/23
Mass , Mass : 500 mg
Mass standard
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 2 µg
Comparison in air
Approved on 16 May 2024
Institute service identifier : KEBS/MET/02/CMC.01
Linear vibration , Frequency response (modulus) : 0.1 m/s2 to 200 m/s2
Acceleration measuring instrument
Relative expanded uncertainty : 1.5 %
ISO 16063-21:2003 (comparison)
Frequency : >1 kHz to 5 kHz
Approved on 30 June 2016
Institute service identifier : KEBS/A2.6
Linear vibration , Voltage sensitivity (modulus)
Acceleration measuring chain/accelerometer
Relative expanded uncertainty : 2 %
ISO 16063-21:2003 (comparison)
Frequency : > 5 kHz to 7.5 kHz
Approved on 25 September 2018
Institute service identifier : KEBS/A2.6
DC voltage (up to 1100 V) , DC voltage : 0.1 V to 1 V
Fluke 5730A Calibrator, Fluke 752A Reference Divider
Relative expanded uncertainty : 0.8 µV/V
{"row_1":{"col_1":"Voltage Value (V)","col_2":"Expanded Relative Uncertainty (µV/V)"},"row_2":{"col_1":"0.1","col_2":"0.8"},"row_3":{"col_1":"1","col_2":"0.8"}}
Voltage ratio
New entry
Approved on 12 April 2021
Sound calibrators , Sound pressure level : 90 dB (reference: 20 µPa) to 140 dB (reference: 20 µPa)
Multi frequency sound calibrator
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 7.0E-2 dB to 0.18 dB
{"row_1":{"col_1":"Frequency (Hz)","col_2":"Expanded Uncertainty (dB)"},"row_2":{"col_1":"31.5","col_2":"0.15"},"row_3":{"col_1":"63","col_2":"0.11"},"row_4":{"col_1":"125","col_2":"0.07"},"row_5":{"col_1":"250","col_2":"0.07"},"row_6":{"col_1":"500","col_2":"0.07"},"row_7":{"col_1":"1000","col_2":"0.07"},"row_8":{"col_1":"2000","col_2":"0.07"},"row_9":{"col_1":"4000","col_2":"0.07"},"row_10":{"col_1":"8000","col_2":"0.14"},"row_11":{"col_1":"12500","col_2":"0.17"},"row_12":{"col_1":"16000","col_2":"0.18"}}
The listed frequencies are nominal values. Exact frequencies are determined according to ISO 266:1997.
Microphone method / Insert voltage technique
IEC 60942:2017
Frequency : 31.5 Hz to 16 kHz in octave steps including 12.5 kHz. Frequency is measured with a relative expanded uncertainty of 0.2 % in the specified range.
Approved on 29 September 2023
Institute service identifier : A2.3.2
Mass , Mass : 100 g
Mass standard
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 2.0E-2 mg
Comparison in air
Approved on 16 May 2024
Institute service identifier : KEBS/MET/02/CMC.03

Select Metrology Area

General physics
Acoustics, Ultrasound, Vibration

This metrology area covers the fields of acoustics, ultrasound and vibration.

Electricity and Magnetism

This metrology area covers the fields of DC and AC measurements, impedance, electric and magnetic fields, radiofrequencies and measurements on materials.


This metrology area covers the fields of laser frequencies and dimensional metrology.

Mass and related quantities

This metrology area covers the fields of mass standards, force, pressure, density, hardness, torque, gravity and viscosity.

Chemistry and Biology
Chemistry and Biology

This metrology area covers all fields relevant to chemistry and biology.

Ionizing radiation
Ionizing Radiation

This metrology area covers the fields of dosimetry, radioactivity and neutron measurements.