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191 results
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In the CMCs uncertainty statements, the notation Q[a, b] stands for the root-sum-square of the terms between brackets: Q[a, b] = [a 2 + b 2]1/2
Unless otherwise stated the expanded uncertainties given below correspond to k = 2 (at a 95 % level of confidence)
Serbia, DMDM (Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals)
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in mg/g Relative expanded uncertainty in % Mass fraction in % Absolute expanded uncertainty in %
water ethanol 0.1 to 8 1.4
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration
  • Approved on 16 September 2023
  • Institute service identifier : RU-H12
  • CMC ID : EURAMET-QM-RS-00000O9A-1
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Amount-of-substance fraction in nmol/mol Absolute expanded uncertainty in nmol/mol Amount-of-substance fraction in % Absolute expanded uncertainty in %
purified air ozone 0 to 1000 1.1 to 2.2E1
  • Uncertainty equation CMC : Q[1.1, 0.022 x(O3)] The uncertainty is expressed in nmol/mol
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration
  • Approved on 28 June 2016
  • Institute service identifier : GMH-RU-H09
  • CMC ID : EURAMET-QM-RS-000000VQ-3
Time scale difference , Time scale difference : -1 s to 1 s
Local clock vs UTC
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 2.0E1 ns
Comparison against post-processed UTC
Averaging time : 5 days
Pulse amplitude : 1 V to 5 V
Slewing rate : > 0.5 V/ns
Fractional part of modulo 1 second difference, integer part can be provided also
Approved on 10 March 2008
Institute service identifier : DMDM/TF-1.1.2b
Frequency , Frequency : 10 MHz
Local frequency standard
Relative expanded uncertainty : 1.0E-13 Hz/Hz
Phase time measurement
Averaging time : 1 day
Approved on 10 March 2008
Institute service identifier : DMDM/TF-2.1.1b
Time interval , Time interval : 1.00E-9 s to 1 s
Delay source
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.2 ns
Time interval counter
Slewing rate : 0.5 V/ns
Approved on 10 March 2008
Institute service identifier : DMDM/TF-3.2.4
Items for disseminating ITS-90 and PLTS 2000 , Temperature : -40 °C to 20 °C
Platinum Resistance Thermometer
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 9.0E-3 °C
Calibration by comparison
Ethanol bath
Approved on 03 November 2009
Institute service identifier : DMDM/T02-1
Items for defining ITS-90 , Temperature : -38.8344 °C
Long SPRT in Mercury triple point
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 1 mK
Direct comparison
Ethanol bath
Approved on 17 January 2013
Institute service identifier : DMDM/T01-2
Impedance (up to the MHz range) , Capacitance for dielectric capacitors : 0.01 nF to 1.00E4 nF
Fixed capacitor, switched capacitor, capacitance box
Relative expanded uncertainty : 0.59 mF/F to 8.1 mF/F
{"row_1":{"col_1":"","col_2":"20 Hz","col_3":"120 Hz","col_4":"1 kHz","col_5":"10 kHz","col_6":"100 kHz","col_7":"1 MHz","col_8":"2 MHz"},"row_2":{"col_1":"0.01 nF","col_2":"-","col_3":"-","col_4":"-","col_5":"-","col_6":"0.81","col_7":"0.72 to 0.81","col_8":"0.84"},"row_3":{"col_1":"0.1 nF","col_2":"-","col_3":"-","col_4":"-","col_5":"-","col_6":"0.62","col_7":"0.61 to 0.63","col_8":"0.71"},"row_4":{"col_1":"1 nF","col_2":"-","col_3":"-","col_4":"0.71 to 1.31","col_5":"-","col_6":"-","col_7":"0.59 to 0.69","col_8":"0.60 to 0.78"},"row_5":{"col_1":"100 nF","col_2":"-","col_3":"0.6","col_4":"-","col_5":"-","col_6":"0.69","col_7":"-","col_8":"-"},"row_6":{"col_1":"10000 nF","col_2":"3.06","col_3":"3.06","col_4":"3.1","col_5":"3.56","col_6":"8.07","col_7":"-","col_8":"-"}}
The expanded uncertainties given in this table are expressed in mF/F
LCR meter
Frequency : 20 Hz to 2 MHz
Approved on 06 August 2013
Institute service identifier : DMDM/109
DC voltage (up to 1100 V) , DC voltage sources: single values : 1 V to 10 V
Standard cell, solid state voltage standard
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.45 µV to 1.0E1 µV
{"row_1":{"col_1":"","col_2":"Expanded uncertainty / µV ","col_3":"Reference Stanard used in calibration"},"row_2":{"col_1":"1.018 V","col_2":"0.12","col_3":"Josephson Voltage Standard"},"row_3":{"col_1":"1 V","col_2":"0.12","col_3":"Josephson Voltage Standard"},"row_4":{"col_1":"10 V","col_2":"0.04","col_3":"Josephson Voltage Standard"},"row_5":{"col_1":"1.018 V","col_2":"0.45","col_3":"Group of standard cells and solid state voltage standards"},"row_6":{"col_1":"1 V","col_2":"1","col_3":"Group of standard cells and solid state voltage standards"},"row_7":{"col_1":"10 V","col_2":"1","col_3":"Group of standard cells and solid state voltage standards"}}
Difference measurement
Fixed voltage : 1.018 V, 1 V, 10 V
Approved on 06 August 2013
Institute service identifier : DMDM/1
DC current (up to 100 A) , DC current sources: low values : 0.1 mA
Current generator, multifunction calibrator
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 1.3 nA
Voltage drop across standard resistor
Power dissipation of standard resistor : 0.1 mW
Approved on 06 August 2013
Institute service identifier : DMDM/78
Measurement microphones , Pressure sensitivity level
Measurement microphone type LS1P
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 8.0E-2 dB
IEC 61094-2:1992
Frequency : 63 Hz to 3.15 kHz
Approved on 27 February 2014
Institute service identifier : DMDM/1.1
Measurement microphones , Pressure sensitivity level
Measurement microphone type LS1P
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 9.0E-2 dB
IEC 61094-2:1992
Frequency : 4 kHz
Approved on 27 February 2014
Institute service identifier : DMDM/1.1
Measurement microphones , Pressure sensitivity level
Measurement microphone type LS2P
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.15 dB
IEC 61094-2:1992
Frequency : 16 kHz
Approved on 27 February 2014
Institute service identifier : DMDM/1.2
Measurement microphones , Pressure sensitivity level
Measurement microphone type LS2P
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.46 dB
IEC 61094-2:1992
Frequency : 25 kHz
Approved on 27 February 2014
Institute service identifier : DMDM/1.2
Measurement microphones , Pressure sensitivity level
Measurement microphone type LS1P
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.14 dB
IEC 61094-2:1992
Frequency : 8 kHz
Approved on 27 February 2014
Institute service identifier : DMDM/1.1
Fluid flow , Volume of liquid : 1 mL to 1.00E4 mL
Glassware equipment (Pipettes, flasks, burettes, cylinders)
Relative expanded uncertainty : 1.5E-2 %
Liquid : water
Reference temperature : 20 °C
Approved on 17 November 2017
Institute service identifier : DMDM/RU-Z03
Mass , Conventional mass : 1 mg to 100 mg
Mass standard
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 1.3 µg to 2 µg
Comparison in air
Temperature : (20 to 24) °C with max ± 0.3 °C/h and max ± 0.5 °C/12 h
Relative humidity : 40 % to 60 % with max ± 5 % per 4 hours
Pressure : 995 hPa to 1020 hPa
Approved on 04 May 2010
CMC ID : EURAMET-M-RS-000009K8-1
Mass , Conventional mass : 100 kg to 500 kg
Mass standard
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.5 g to 8 g
Comparison in air
Temperature : (20 to 24) °C with max ± 1.5 °C/h and max ± 2 °C/12 h
Relative humidity : 40 % to 60 % with max ± 10 % per 4 hours
Pressure : 995 hPa to 1020 hPa
Approved on 04 May 2010
Fluid flow , Volume of liquid : 5 L to 5000 L
Proving tanks
Relative expanded uncertainty : 3.0E-2 %
Liquid : water
Reference temperature : 20 °C
Approved on 17 November 2017
Institute service identifier : DMDM/RU-Z06
Items for disseminating ITS-90 and PLTS 2000 , Temperature : -80 °C to -40 °C
Liquid-in-glass thermometer resolution 0.1 °C
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 3.5E-2 °C
Calibration by comparison
Halocarbon bath
Approved on 19 March 2012
Institute service identifier : DMDM/T06-11

Select Metrology Area

General physics
Acoustics, Ultrasound, Vibration

This metrology area covers the fields of acoustics, ultrasound and vibration.

Electricity and Magnetism

This metrology area covers the fields of DC and AC measurements, impedance, electric and magnetic fields, radiofrequencies and measurements on materials.


This metrology area covers the fields of laser frequencies and dimensional metrology.

Mass and related quantities

This metrology area covers the fields of mass standards, force, pressure, density, hardness, torque, gravity and viscosity.

Chemistry and Biology
Chemistry and Biology

This metrology area covers all fields relevant to chemistry and biology.

Ionizing radiation
Ionizing Radiation

This metrology area covers the fields of dosimetry, radioactivity and neutron measurements.