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405 results
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In the CMCs uncertainty statements, the notation Q[a, b] stands for the root-sum-square of the terms between brackets: Q[a, b] = [a 2 + b 2]1/2
Unless otherwise stated the expanded uncertainties given below correspond to k = 2 (at a 95 % level of confidence)
Sweden, RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden AB)
Matrix or material Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Electrolytic conductivity in S/m Absolute expanded uncertainty in % Electrolytic conductivity in Absolute expanded uncertainty in
aqueous solution 3.00E-3 to 1.5 2 to 0.4
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration
  • Temperature range: 15 °C to 40 °C
  • Approved on 06 September 2012
  • Institute service identifier : F02
  • CMC ID : EURAMET-QM-SE-000000ZP-1
Matrix or material Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Electrolytic conductivity in µS/m Absolute expanded uncertainty in % Electrolytic conductivity in Absolute expanded uncertainty in
aqueous solution 20 to 3000 3 to 2
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration
  • Temperature range: 15 °C to 40 °C
  • Approved on 19 June 2014
  • Institute service identifier : F01
  • CMC ID : EURAMET-QM-SE-000000ZQ-1
Density , Volume of solid : 1.2 cm3 to 12.5 cm3
Mass standard: 10 g to 0.1 kg
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.3 mm3 to 0.6 mm3
Hydrostatic weighing
Reference temperature : 21 °C
Approved on 21 October 2001
Mass , Mass : 10 g to 100 g
Mass standard
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 6 µg to 1.6E1 µg
Comparison in air
Uncertainty scales with measurand level The volume of the mass standards is known
Approved on 21 October 2001
Mass , Mass : 500 kg to 1000 kg
Mass standard
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 5 g to 1.5E1 g
Comparison in air
Uncertainty scales with measurand level The volume of the mass standards is known
Approved on 21 October 2001
Pressure , Differential pressure : 1 Pa to 1.50E4 Pa
Pressure gauge
Absolute expanded uncertainty
0.08 + 7E-05p

p pressure in Pa

The uncertainty is expressed in Pa

Uncertainty values range from 8.0E-02 Pa to 1.2 Pa
Approved on 02 July 2008
CMC ID : EURAMET-M-SE-000008G6-1
Pressure , Gauge pressure : 1.70E4 Pa to 7.00E5 Pa
Pressure balance
Absolute expanded uncertainty
1.0 + 3.0E-05p

p pressure in Pa

The uncertainty is expressed in Pa

Uncertainty values range from 1.6 Pa to 2.2E+01 Pa
Approved on 02 July 2008
CMC ID : EURAMET-M-SE-000008G1-1
Pressure , Absolute pressure : 5.00E-6 Pa to 5.00E-4 Pa
Vacuum gauge
Absolute expanded uncertainty

p pressure in Pa

The uncertainty is expressed in Pa

Uncertainty values range from 6E-07 Pa to 6E-05 Pa
Approved on 02 July 2008
Fibre optics , Wavelength : 1310 nm to 1330 nm
Optical spectrum analyser
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.2 nm
Fibre optical spectrum analyser, tunable laser, gas cells
Bandwidth : 0.05 nm
Power : > 1 nW
Approved on 21 October 2001
Fibre optics , Wavelength : 1310 nm to 1330 nm
Fibre optical sources
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.2 nm
Fibre optical spectrum analyser, tunable laser, gas cells
Bandwidth : < 0.1 nm
Power : > 1 nW
Approved on 21 October 2001
Spectral properties of materials , Transmittance, regular, spectral : 1.00E-4 to 1
Spectrally-neutral material
Relative expanded uncertainty
0.5 - logt

t transmittance

The uncertainty is expressed in %

Wavelength : 400 nm to 775 nm
Bandwidth : 1 nm to 5 nm
Approved on 21 October 2001
Items for disseminating ITS-90 and PLTS 2000 , Temperature : 1100 °C to 1200 °C
Digital thermometers: thermocouple
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.8 °C
Tube furnace : 3-zone or 5-zone CrFeAl heating coil
Approved on 19 March 2012
Institute service identifier : 60
Items for disseminating ITS-90 and PLTS 2000 , Temperature : 5 °C to 30 °C
Digital thermometers: IPRT or SPRT
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 2 mK
Comparison bath : water
Approved on 19 March 2012
Institute service identifier : 61
Items for defining ITS-90 , Temperature : 156.5985 °C
Indium point
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.9 mK
Direct comparison
Ambient temperature : 23 °C
Approved on 18 May 2004
Institute service identifier : 5
Items for defining ITS-90 , Temperature : -189.3442 °C
Argon point
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 1 mK
Direct comparison
Ambient temperature : 23 °C
Approved on 18 May 2004
Institute service identifier : 1
Items for defining ITS-90 , Temperature : 231.928 °C
Tin point
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 0.9 mK
Direct comparison
Ambient temperature : 23 °C
Approved on 18 May 2004
Institute service identifier : 6
Radio frequency measurements , Scattering parameters: reflection coefficient (Sii) in coaxials, real and imaginary : -1 to 1
One-port devices or two-port device
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 5.0E-3 to 6.0E-2
{"row_1":{"col_1":"","col_2":"abs(VRC)","col_3":"45 MHz","col_4":"1 GHz","col_5":"6 GHz","col_6":"10 GHz","col_7":"14 GHz","col_8":"18 GHz","col_9":"-","col_10":"-","col_11":"-","col_12":"-","col_13":"-","col_14":"-"},"row_2":{"col_1":"Type-N","col_2":"0","col_3":"0.005","col_4":"0.005","col_5":"0.007","col_6":"0.008","col_7":"0.010","col_8":"0.012","col_9":"-","col_10":"-","col_11":"-","col_12":"-","col_13":"-","col_14":"-"},"row_3":{"col_1":"Type-N","col_2":"0.1","col_3":"0.005","col_4":"0.005","col_5":"0.007","col_6":"0.009","col_7":"0.010","col_8":"0.012","col_9":"-","col_10":"-","col_11":"-","col_12":"-","col_13":"-","col_14":"-"},"row_4":{"col_1":"Type-N","col_2":"0.3","col_3":"0.006","col_4":"0.006","col_5":"0.008","col_6":"0.009","col_7":"0.011","col_8":"0.013","col_9":"-","col_10":"-","col_11":"-","col_12":"-","col_13":"-","col_14":"-"},"row_5":{"col_1":"Type-N","col_2":"1","col_3":"0.011","col_4":"0.011","col_5":"0.014","col_6":"0.017","col_7":"0.021","col_8":"0.024","col_9":"-","col_10":"-","col_11":"-","col_12":"-","col_13":"-","col_14":"-"},"row_6":{"col_1":"Connector","col_2":"abs(VRC)","col_3":"45 MHz","col_4":"1 GHz","col_5":"5 GHz","col_6":"6 GHz","col_7":"10 GHz","col_8":"14 GHz","col_9":"18 GHz","col_10":"22 GHz","col_11":"26.5 GHz","col_12":"33 GHz","col_13":"-","col_14":"-"},"row_7":{"col_1":"3.5 mm","col_2":"0","col_3":"0.009","col_4":"0.009","col_5":"0.012","col_6":"0.012","col_7":"0.014","col_8":"0.017","col_9":"0.019","col_10":"0.024","col_11":"0.029","col_12":"0.037","col_13":"-","col_14":"-"},"row_8":{"col_1":"3.5 mm","col_2":"0.1","col_3":"0.009","col_4":"0.009","col_5":"0.012","col_6":"0.012","col_7":"0.014","col_8":"0.017","col_9":"0.019","col_10":"0.024","col_11":"0.030","col_12":"0.038","col_13":"-","col_14":"-"},"row_9":{"col_1":"3.5 mm","col_2":"0.3","col_3":"0.010","col_4":"0.010","col_5":"0.013","col_6":"0.013","col_7":"0.015","col_8":"0.018","col_9":"0.020","col_10":"0.025","col_11":"0.031","col_12":"0.039","col_13":"-","col_14":"-"},"row_10":{"col_1":"3.5 mm","col_2":"1","col_3":"0.019","col_4":"0.020","col_5":"0.023","col_6":"0.024","col_7":"0.027","col_8":"0.031","col_9":"0.034","col_10":"0.040","col_11":"0.047","col_12":"0.060","col_13":"-","col_14":"-"},"row_11":{"col_1":"Connector","col_2":"abs(VRC)","col_3":"45 MHz","col_4":"1 GHz","col_5":"5 GHz","col_6":"6 GHz","col_7":"10 GHz","col_8":"14 GHz","col_9":"18 GHz","col_10":"22 GHz","col_11":"26.5 GHz","col_12":"30 GHz","col_13":"35 GHz","col_14":"40 GHz"},"row_12":{"col_1":"2.92 mm","col_2":"0","col_3":"0.011","col_4":"0.011","col_5":"0.012","col_6":"0.013","col_7":"0.015","col_8":"0.017","col_9":"0.018","col_10":"0.019","col_11":"0.020","col_12":"0.021","col_13":"0.022","col_14":"0.023"},"row_13":{"col_1":"2.92 mm","col_2":"0.1","col_3":"0.011","col_4":"0.011","col_5":"0.012","col_6":"0.013","col_7":"0.015","col_8":"0.017","col_9":"0.018","col_10":"0.019","col_11":"0.020","col_12":"0.021","col_13":"0.022","col_14":"0.024"},"row_14":{"col_1":"2.92 mm","col_2":"0.3","col_3":"0.012","col_4":"0.012","col_5":"0.014","col_6":"0.014","col_7":"0.016","col_8":"0.018","col_9":"0.020","col_10":"0.021","col_11":"0.022","col_12":"0.023","col_13":"0.024","col_14":"0.026"},"row_15":{"col_1":"2.92 mm","col_2":"1","col_3":"0.022","col_4":"0.022","col_5":"0.025","col_6":"0.026","col_7":"0.030","col_8":"0.034","col_9":"0.036","col_10":"0.038","col_11":"0.041","col_12":"0.042","col_13":"0.045","col_14":"0.048"}}
The expanded uncertainties given in this table are dimensionless
Vector network analyser
Frequency : 45 MHz to 40 GHz
Connector : Type N, 3.5 mm, 2.92 mm
Minimum and maximum uncertainty within range, see table for details. The expanded uncertainty refers to a complex quantity, therefore k = 2.45
Approved on 06 August 2013
Institute service identifier : 606c
Impedance (up to the MHz range) , Inductance: meters : 1.00E-5 H to 10 H
LCR meter
Relative expanded uncertainty : 0.2 mH/H to 1 mH/H
{"row_1":{"col_1":"","col_2":"1 kHz"},"row_2":{"col_1":"10 µH","col_2":"1"},"row_3":{"col_1":"100 µH to 1 H","col_2":"0.2"},"row_4":{"col_1":"10 H","col_2":"0.5"}}
The expanded uncertainties given in this table are expressed in mH/H
Direct comparison
Frequency : 1 kHz
Approved on 06 August 2013
Institute service identifier : 90
High voltage and current , High AC current: current transformer ratio error : 0 to 0.02
Current transformer bridge: ratio error e
Absolute expanded uncertainty
3E-06 + 0.012e

The uncertainty is expressed in

Generation of known reference error
Frequency : 50 Hz
Current : 0.1 A to 10 A
Approved on 06 August 2013
Institute service identifier : 519
DC current (up to 100 A) , DC current meters: intermediate values : 100 µA to 200 µA
Nano-ammeter, multimeter: current
Relative expanded uncertainty : 1.0E1 µA/A
Voltage drop across resistor
Approved on 06 August 2013
Institute service identifier : 31h

Select Metrology Area

General physics
Acoustics, Ultrasound, Vibration

This metrology area covers the fields of acoustics, ultrasound and vibration.

Electricity and Magnetism

This metrology area covers the fields of DC and AC measurements, impedance, electric and magnetic fields, radiofrequencies and measurements on materials.


This metrology area covers the fields of laser frequencies and dimensional metrology.

Mass and related quantities

This metrology area covers the fields of mass standards, force, pressure, density, hardness, torque, gravity and viscosity.

Chemistry and Biology
Chemistry and Biology

This metrology area covers all fields relevant to chemistry and biology.

Ionizing radiation
Ionizing Radiation

This metrology area covers the fields of dosimetry, radioactivity and neutron measurements.