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670 results
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Chemical Analyte
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In the CMCs uncertainty statements, the notation Q[a, b] stands for the root-sum-square of the terms between brackets: Q[a, b] = [a 2 + b 2]1/2
Unless otherwise stated the expanded uncertainties given below correspond to k = 2 (at a 95 % level of confidence)
Türkiye, TENMAK-NUKEN (Nuclear Energy Research Institute)
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Reference material, food : 0.2 Bq/g to 50 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 7 %
High purity germanium spectrometer, balance
K-40, reference material, mixed radionuclides in bilberry
Reference standard : High purity germanium spectrometer, set of standard weights
Source of traceability : PTB, UME
Approved on 13 August 2014
Institute service identifier : EUR-RAD-TENMAK-NUKEN-2001
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Reference material, food : 0.1 Bq/g to 50 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 7 %
Liquid scintillation counting, balance
Sr-90, reference material, mixed radionuclides in bilberry
Reference standard : Liquid scintillatin counter, set of standard weights
Source of traceability : PTB, UME
Approved on 13 August 2014
Institute service identifier : EUR-RAD-TENMAK-NUKEN-2003
Ionizing radiation
Activity , Radioactive source : 4.80E4 Bq to 2.18E9 Bq
Relative expanded uncertainty 2.5 %
Ionization chamber
Co-60, Liquid source in ampoule (CoCl2 in HCl)
Reference standard : Secondary standard 4π ionization chamber 
Source of traceability : PTB
Approved on 04 July 2023
Institute service identifier : EUR-RAD-TENMAK-NUKEN-2004
Ionizing radiation
Activity , Radioactive source : 1.07E5 Bq to 5.06E9 Bq
Relative expanded uncertainty 3 %
Ionization chamber
Ge-68, Liquid source in ampoule
Reference standard : Secondary standard 4π ionization chamber 
Source of traceability : PTB
Approved on 04 July 2023
Institute service identifier : EUR-RAD-TENMAK-NUKEN-2005
Ionizing radiation
Activity per unit mass , Reference material, food : 0.1 Bq/g to 50 Bq/g
Relative expanded uncertainty 4 %
High purity germanium spectrometer, balance
Cs-137, reference material, mixed radionuclides in bilberry
Reference standard : High purity germanium spectrometer, set of standard weights
Source of traceability : PTB, UME
Approved on 13 August 2014
Institute service identifier : EUR-RAD-TENMAK-NUKEN-2002
Türkiye, UME (TÜBITAK Ulusal Metroloji Enstitüsü)
Matrix or material Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
pH in Absolute expanded uncertainty in pH in
aqueous pH buffer solution 9.5 to 10.5 6.0E-3
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Carbonate buffer
  • Carbonate Buffer. Measurement temperature is 25 °C. Declared uncertainties do not include the uncertainty contribution due to the Bates-Guggenheim convention (0.010, k = 2)
  • Approved on 15 October 2019
  • Institute service identifier : G3EK-1403
Matrix or material Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
pH in Absolute expanded uncertainty in pH in
aqueous pH buffer solution 6.8 to 7.5 6.0E-3
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Phosphate buffer
  • Phosphate Buffer. Measurement temperature is 25 °C. Declared uncertainties do not include the uncertainty contribution due to the Bates-Guggenheim convention 0.010, k = 2)
  • Approved on 15 October 2019
  • Institute service identifier : G3EK-1402
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in µg/g Relative expanded uncertainty in % Mass fraction in
Diluted HCl (L)-Isoleucine 50 to 500 3 to 5
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration
  • Approved on 22 October 2020
  • Institute service identifier : G3OK-7200
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in µg/g Relative expanded uncertainty in % Mass fraction in
Diluted HCl (L)-Leucine 50 to 500 3 to 5
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration
  • Approved on 22 October 2020
  • Institute service identifier : G3OK-7200
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in µg/g Relative expanded uncertainty in % Mass fraction in
Diluted HCl (L)-Phenylalanine 50 to 500 2 to 5
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration
  • Approved on 22 October 2020
  • Institute service identifier : G3OK-7200
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in µg/g Relative expanded uncertainty in % Mass fraction in
Diluted HCl (L)-Proline 10 to 100 3 to 5
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration
  • Approved on 22 October 2020
  • Institute service identifier : G3OK-7200
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in mg/g Relative expanded uncertainty in % Mass fraction in
High purity 2,4 DDE 2,4'-DDE 950 to 999 1 to 1.1
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration
  • Approved on 15 October 2019
  • Institute service identifier : G3OK-4300
  • CMC ID : EURAMET-QM-TR-000001L3-2
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in mg/g Relative expanded uncertainty in % Mass fraction in
High purity 2,4 DDT 2,4'-DDT 950 to 999 1 to 1.1
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration
  • Approved on 15 October 2019
  • Institute service identifier : G3OK-4300
  • CMC ID : EURAMET-QM-TR-000001L5-2
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in ng/g Relative expanded uncertainty in % Mass fraction in ng/g Absolute expanded uncertainty in ng/g
blood serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D2 1 to 500 6.5 to 5 50 2.9
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration and UME CRM 1308
  • Approved on 15 October 2019
  • Institute service identifier : G3OK-4600 and UME CRM 1308
  • CMC ID : EURAMET-QM-TR-000001SU-2
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in ng/g Relative expanded uncertainty in % Mass fraction in ng/g Absolute expanded uncertainty in ng/g
blood serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 1 to 500 7.5 to 5 48.8 2.6
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration and UME CRM 1308
  • Approved on 15 October 2019
  • Institute service identifier : G3OK-4600 and UME CRM 1308
  • CMC ID : EURAMET-QM-TR-000001SV-2
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in ng/g Relative expanded uncertainty in % Mass fraction in
blood serum 3-epi-25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 1 to 500 6.5 to 5
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration
  • Approved on 15 October 2019
  • Institute service identifier : G3OK-4600
  • CMC ID : EURAMET-QM-TR-000001SW-2
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in mg/g Relative expanded uncertainty in % Mass fraction in
High purity 4,4 DDD 4,4'-DDD 950 to 999 1 to 1.1
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration
  • Approved on 15 October 2019
  • Institute service identifier : G3OK-4300
  • CMC ID : EURAMET-QM-TR-000001LB-2
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in mg/g Relative expanded uncertainty in % Mass fraction in
High purity 4,4 DDE 4,4'-DDE 950 to 999 1 to 1.1
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration
  • Approved on 15 October 2019
  • Institute service identifier : G3OK-4300
  • CMC ID : EURAMET-QM-TR-000001L2-2
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
Mass fraction in mg/g Relative expanded uncertainty in % Mass fraction in
High purity 4,4 DDT 4,4'-DDT 950 to 999 1 to 1.1
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Calibration
  • Approved on 15 October 2019
  • Institute service identifier : G3OK-4300
  • CMC ID : EURAMET-QM-TR-000001L4-2
Matrix or material Analyte or component Dissemination range of measurement capability Range of certified values in reference materials
DNA copy number ratio in % Absolute expanded uncertainty in % DNA copy number ratio in Absolute expanded uncertainty in
unprocessed, high starch ground seed matrix material […] […]specified intact sequence fragments of a length up to 150 nucleotides […] 0.5 to 3 0.2 to 0.5
  • Mechanism for measurement service delivery : Value assignment of client samples
  • The exact term for the "Analyte or component" is "quantification of the ratio of the number of copies of specified intact sequence fragments of a length up to 150 nucleotides following extraction from an unprocessed, high starch ground seed matrix. with a copy number ratio from 0.005 to 1". The exact term for the "Matrix or material" is "unprocessed, high starch ground seed matrix material and other seed materials with similar level of matrix complexity"
  • Approved on 28 June 2018
  • Institute service identifier : G3BA-1100
  • CMC ID : EURAMET-QM-TR-000001U4-1

Select Metrology Area

General physics
Acoustics, Ultrasound, Vibration

This metrology area covers the fields of acoustics, ultrasound and vibration.

Electricity and Magnetism

This metrology area covers the fields of DC and AC measurements, impedance, electric and magnetic fields, radiofrequencies and measurements on materials.


This metrology area covers the fields of laser frequencies and dimensional metrology.

Mass and related quantities

This metrology area covers the fields of mass standards, force, pressure, density, hardness, torque, gravity and viscosity.

Chemistry and Biology
Chemistry and Biology

This metrology area covers all fields relevant to chemistry and biology.

Ionizing radiation
Ionizing Radiation

This metrology area covers the fields of dosimetry, radioactivity and neutron measurements.