Dr Martin J.T. Milton
- MA (1981) University of Oxford
- PhD (1990) Physics, University of Southampton
- MBA (1994) London Business School
- Finkelstein Medal (2016) Institute of Measurement and Control
- Joined the National Physical Laboratory (UK) in 1981, appointed as an NPL Fellow in 1998, prior to joining the BIPM in 2012 as Deputy Director
- Director of the BIPM since 1 January 2013
- Honorary Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of York (UK)
- Fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK)
- Fellow of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
- Member of the Editorial Boards of Metrologia and Kaye and Laby
- Member of the Science Council of the European Measurement Research Programme (EMRP), the Scientific Council of INRIM (Italy) and the International Advisory Board of NIM (China).
- Chairman of the Joint Committee of the RMOs and the BIPM (JCRB) and the Joint Committee for Guides on Metrology (JCGM)
Comparable measurements for a digital world
2019 - APMP Symposium
The redefinition of the base units of the SI: How we achieved it
2018 - APMP Symposium
The Metre Convention and the BIPM
2016 - CBKT Course - BIPM
On the proposed re-definition of the SI
2016 - Varenna Metrology School - Varenna, Italy
New challenges for metrology in chemistry (and biology)
2016 - Varenna Metrology School - Varenna, Italy
The Importance of Metrology for Standards, Industry and Trade
2014 - APMP Symposium - Daejeon, Rep. of Korea
Measurement science and the environment
2014 - NCSLI - Orlando, United States
Electrical units in the new SI: Saying goodbye to the 1990 values
2014 - NCSLI - Orlando, United States
The impact of the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement across metrology
2013 - The GUM: Past, Present and Future - NPL, UK
New challenges for metrology in chemistry and biology
2013 - Metrologie - Paris, France
Metrology at the service of the economy, society and citizens
2013 - Porto, Portugal
On the possible future revision of the SI
2013 - ISMTII 2013 - Aachen, Germany
Low Carbon and Climate Science: the present and future role of international metrology
2013 - International NMI Conference on Low Carbon and Climate Science - NPL, UK
BIPM and the International Measurement System
2013 - METAS, Switzerland
Consultative Committee for Acoustics, Ultrasound and Vibration
Director of the BIPM
From 25 to 26 October 2023
Consultative Committee for Ionizing Radiation
Director of the BIPM
From 08 to 09 June 2023
Consultative Committee for Mass and Related Quantities
Director of the BIPM
From 25 to 26 May 2023
CIPM Task Group on the SI Digital Framework
BIPM staff in attendance
24 May 2023
CIPM Task Group on the SI Digital Framework
BIPM staff in attendance
22 May 2023
CIPM Task Group on the SI Digital Framework
Director of the BIPM
19 April 2023