
Other Products

Acronyms and locations of the timing centres


Leap seconds table (from IERS)


Values of the differences between UTC and its local representation by the given laboratory, including relevant notes and, since January 2007, the respective uncertainties.

Related notes


Values of the differences between TAI and the local atomic scale of the given laboratory, including relevant notes

Related notes


Relations of UTC with predictions of UTC broadcast by GNSS

Weights of clocks participating in the computation of TAI

Rates relative to TAI of clocks participating in the computation of TAI

Frequency drifts of clocks participating in the computation of TAI

Fractional frequency of EAL from primary and secondary frequency standards

Difference between the normalized frequencies of EAL and TAI

Difference between PSFS ensemble frequency and TAI frequency (d)


Difference between PSFS frequency and TAI frequency (d)

Measurements of the duration of the TAI scale interval

Mean fractional deviation of the TAI scale interval from that of TT


Older files can be accessed directly from the FTP server:
