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Groupes de travail

Membres d'un groupe de travail

CCEM Working Group on Low-Frequency Quantities (CCEM-WGLF)


M. Ghislain Granger

National Research Council of Canada


Liste des réunions

Réunions et documents associés

Réunion Passée

  • 04
  • mars
  • 2025

Réunion Passée

  • 08
  • mars
  • 2023

Réunion Passée

  • 08
  • avril
  • 2021

Réunion Passée

  • 28
  • mars
  • 2019


Termes de référence

The Terms of reference of the CCEM-WGLF (version 1.0, approved on 15 March 2013) are the following:

Name: Working Group on Low-Frequency Quantities

Membership: Membership of the WGLF is normally restricted to NMIs who are members of the CCEM and who have substantial programs and expertise in electromagnetic standards and measurements at low frequencies or at dc. Individual scientists from member NMIs can also be considered for membership. Members are appointed by the President of the CCEM, in consultation with the WGLF chairperson. In addition, the WGLF chairperson may invite guests on a one-off basis from other Member States or Associates.

Chairperson: The WGLF chairperson is appointed by the President of the CCEM, with the agreement of the CCEM.

Technical Area: Electromagnetic measurements and standards at low frequency, roughly defined as dc to the MHz region.


  • to advise the CCEM and the WGRMO on matters related to its technical area;
  • to identify the major future problems challenging the National Metrology Institutes in electromagnetic measurement in its technical area and to provide input to the CCEM on the BIPM's technical program on electrical metrology;
  • to establish and maintain a list of key and other comparisons in its technical area, which will adequately support CMC claims by NMIs in this field of measurement in the spirit of the global MRA between NMIs;
  • to coordinate and schedule key comparisons, to review progress in comparisons and to recommend to the CCEM the inclusion of the results of key comparisons in Appendix B of the MRA database;
  • to provide supplementary guidelines and/or interpretations to the guidelines on conducting key comparisons included in the MRA, specifically for the field of electricity and magnetism;
  • to provide advice to the WGRMO on the range of CMCs supported by particular key comparisons;
  • to recommend RMO key comparisons to the CCEM for approval and to provide advice on RMO supplementary comparison activities.