CCEM Working Group on RMO Coordination (CCEM-WGRMO)
FER - Primary Electromagnetic Laboratory
Meetings and related documents
Terms of reference
The Terms of reference of the CCEM-WGRMO (V 1.0 of 23 March 2011, taken from WGRMO/2006-02) are the following:
At its 24th meeting (2005) the CCEM decided to transform the informal RMO TCEM chairpersons meeting into a new working group called the "CCEM Working Group for RMO Coordination", or WGRMO.
Members of the WGRMO should be:
- representatives of the RMOs;
- chairpersons of WGLF and GT-RF;
- the executive secretaries of the CCEM and the JCRB; and
- the KCDB manager.
The chairmanship of WGRMO should rotate among the RMOs. The term of office of the chairperson should be two years with the option of one consecutive terms of office. When possible, its meetings should be synchronized with those of the CCEM working groups and the CCEM.
The objectives of the WGRMO are to:
- establish and maintain lists of service categories, and where necessary rules for the preparation of CMC entries;
- agree on detailed technical review criteria;
- develop “lower limits” of uncertainties for CMCs in those cases, where these are imposed by the characteristics of the device under test;
- provide guidance on the range of CMCs supported by particular KCs and SCs;
- identify areas where additional KCs and SCs are needed;<
- coordinate the sharing of the inter-RMO review of new CMCs between the RMOs;
- coordinate the review of existing CMCs in the context of new results of KCs and SCs;
- harmonize procedures and activities among the RMOs; and
- strengthen the cooperation between the RMOs.