Membres d'un groupe de travail

The Impact of Digitalization on Matters Related to the CCPR (CCPR-WG-SP-TG15)


M. Thiago Menegotto

Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Tecnologia



Terms of reference

  • To monitor activities related to digitalization in the field of photometry and radiometry


The digital transformation is playing an increasingly important role in metrology including in the field of radiometry and photometry. For example, the automation of entire buildings where highly efficient light sources combined with complex and intelligent control systems are increasingly being implemented with a multitude of sensors. These combinations are producing large amount of data that have to be evaluated and feedback to the sensors. Big data is also needed and used in the fields of appearance, integrated photonics, imaging technology, building information modelling (BIM) and earth climate modelling. The basis for this is usually measurements, whereby the measurement results are usually expressed in SI units. With the ultimate goal of complete digitalization, new requirements for the (digital) SI are also arising. New possibilities are also available when data can be used in a machine-interpretable way. The aim of the working group "The Impact of Digitalization on Matters Related to the CCPR" is to be a platform to discuss the various challenges of digitalization in the field of radiometry and photometry and to discuss possible supporting measures, pilot studies, and actions. The task group plans to have several (3 to 4) working meetings per year.

Liste des réunions

Réunions et documents associés

Réunion Passée

  • 30
  • août
  • 2023

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