CCQM Working Group on Cell Analysis (CCQM-CAWG)
Government Chemist
LGC Ltd.
United Kingdom
National Institute of Metrology
Meetings and related documents
Strategy documents
Terms of reference
The CCQM's standing working groups (with the exception of the KCWG and the SPWG) all have the following common responsibilities:
- To carry out Key Comparisons, and where necessary pilot studies, to critically evaluate and benchmark NMI/DI competences for measurement standards and capabilities in their technical area; providing demonstrable evidence of the validity and international equivalence of NMI/DI measurement services offered to customers.
- To identify and carry out inter-laboratory work and pilot studies required to underpin the development of reference measurement systems in their technical field, of the highest possible metrological order with traceability to the SI, where feasible, or to other internationally agreed units, to support NMI/DI measurement services being developed in response to customer needs.
- To act as a forum for the exchange of information about the research and measurement service delivery programmes and other technical activities of the WG members and thereby creating new opportunities for collaboration.
- To provide input into the development of a CCQM strategic plan and develop and maintain a work plan consistent with the strategic plan adopted by the CCQM.
- To interface with other CCQM WGs and international stakeholder organizations working on measurement issues related to those covered by the working group.
- To support the RMOs in the critical evaluation of calibration and measurement capabilities of NMIs to be entered into Appendix C of the CIPM MRA.
Technical area covered by CCQM-CAWG
Includes, but is not limited to, the identification and quantification of intact cells and cell properties indicative of function as a result of emergent behavior in complex matrices and mixtures.