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Working Group Members

CCRI(II) Task Group on Mass Spectrometry (CCRI(II)-MS-TG)


Dr Ben Russell

National Physical Laboratory

United Kingdom

BIPM contact

Dr Vincent Gressier

Director of the Ionizing Radiation Department

Bureau international des poids et mesures


List of meetings


Terms of reference

  • To review outcomes from the February 2023 workshop
  • To review activities across NMIs, DIs and analytical laboratories with current and planned programs in using mass spectrometry to support radionuclide metrology so as to review capabilities and drivers and draft an initial summary of the status by the end of December 2023
  • To liaise with expert practitioners and researchers, such as participants in the current EURAMET MetroPOEM project (running October 2022-September 2025) and members of the ICRM Low-Level Measurement Techniques Working Group, to further assess priority needs in relation to the metrology community, including relevant radionuclides, needed reference materials, options for methods and instrumentation, and efficient avenues to exchange information and details of best practices
  • To liaise with CCQM WGs, and any other CCs with activities relevant isotope measurement with mass spectrometric techniques, to inform members of additional stakeholder needs, and to share information on related programs and development work within the metrology community
  • To propose future activities to enhance CCRI(II)’s understanding of the field over the next 20-22 months (including as applies to applications in the earth and climate sciences, food, environmental, and emergency response sectors) to enable the assessment of needs and gaps as well as possible solutions
  • To organize and hold a follow-up CCRI(II) webinar or workshop in 3rd or 4th quarter 2024 to share information and results, up to that point in time, with interested parties
  • To provide a written report for electronic distribution to the CCRI(II) on the status of the task group’s work for feedback and comment by November 2024, in advance of the biennial plenary meeting of the CCRI(II) in 2nd quarter 2025
  • To develop a draft list of potential CCRI(II) activities and guidance on using mass spectrometry to support radionuclide metrology for presentation to the 2nd quarter 2025 plenary of CCRI(II)
  • To provide a report of planned CCRI(II) activities for distribution to the membership of CCRI(II) by 30 Sept 2025.