CCQM Workshop on Protein Structure and Activity
17 to 20 February 2025
Workshop aim
The workshop will explore the need and progress in the measurement of higher-order protein structure, protein activity and the links between the two. An emphasis will be made on the state of the art and emerging measurement tools and approaches, including reference materials and methods, correlative measurements and computation, regulatory landscape and standardization needs for commercial development in industry.
The workshop is application agnostic and will focus on common challenges different application areas face to inform a relevant strategy for fostering measurements that will support predictable and measurable links between protein structure (from amino-acid sequences) and activity, prioritizing and developing measurement solutions and calibration services.
Steering Committee
Max Ryadnov
Amandine Boeuf
LNE (France)
Liqing Wu
NIM (China)
Gustavo Martos
Workshop Secretary (BIPM)
Workshop documents
Biographies of the speakers