
Resolution 5 of the 24th CGPM (2011)

On the acceptance of Economies as Associate of the General Conference

The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 24th meeting,


  • Resolution 3 adopted by the CGPM at its 21st meeting (1999), creating the status of Associate of the CGPM open to "States and Economies" as a means of promoting their participation in the world's measurement system,
  • Resolution 6 adopted by the CGPM at its 23rd meeting (2007), which considered the desirability of setting criteria against which applications from Economies be assessed,

decides that

  • the status of Associate Economy shall not be automatically acquired, but granted unanimously by the CGPM on a case by case basis,
  • the decision of the CGPM to grant the status of Associate Economy shall be based on the following criteria:
    • an Associate Economy must be a Territorial Entity,
    • the Territorial Entity must possess its own Metrology Institute within its territory,
    • the participation of the Territorial Entity in the activities of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) must be considered beneficial for the strengthening of the world's measurement system,
  • the annual subscription of such Associate Economies shall be determined by the CGPM,
  • Intergovernmental Organizations are not considered as "Territorial Entities",
  • CARICOM, the regional Intergovernmental Organization currently Associate Economy of the CGPM, having acceded to the status of Associate Economy of the CGPM prior to the adoption of the above-mentioned criteria, may continue to enjoy this status despite its not meeting the said criteria,


  • the Member States of CARICOM to accede to the Metre Convention or to become Associate States of the CGPM,
  • the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM) to consider further appropriate means by which intergovernmental organizations, in particular those from regions without well-developed metrology infrastructure, can be involved in the work of the BIPM and to bring forward proposals to the next meeting of the CGPM on how this can best be achieved.

DOI : 10.59161/CGPM2011RES5E

The reader should note that the official version of this Resolution is the French text

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