CIPM-TG-DIG closed


Having completed its mission, the CIPM Task Group on the SI Digital Framework (CIPM-TG-DIG) was closed in October 2023.

The tasks linked to digitalization are now managed by the CIPM through the Forum On Metrology and Digitalization.

Forum on Metrology and Digitalization

Working Group Members

CIPM Task Group on the SI Digital Framework (CIPM-TG-DIG)


Prof. Joachim Ullrich

Formerly President

Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt


Executive Secretary

Dr Janet R. Miles

Bureau international des poids et mesures


CIPM2023 - DT vision statement

Statement of Intent - link

Joint Statement of Intent

The BIPM is signatory to a Joint Statement of Intent on digital transformation in the international scientific and quality infrastructure.

See the Statement and list of signatories

selected publications - TITLE

Selected publications

cipm LOGO

Asset Publisher

Working Groups