Publications of the BIPM Time Department
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Automatic Detection of Anomalies in Post-Processed Data Applied to UTC Time Transfer Links
Melting ice solves leap-second problem — for now
Tavella P., Mitrovica J.X.
The Maximum Weight in UTC: Proposal for a New Approach
Milton J., Panfilo G.
The impact of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) zenith total delay data assimilation on the short-term precipitable water vapor and precipitation forecast over Italy using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model
Torcasio R.C., Mascitelli A., Realini E., Barindelli S., Tagliaferro G., Puca S., Dietrich S., Federico S.
Automatic jump detection in time transfer link for the calculation of UTC
A New Way to Set the Maximum Weight in the Weighting Algorithm of UTC
Milton J., Panfilo G.
Continuous IPPP links for UTC
Comparison of primary and secondary frequency standards used for TAI
Validation of the UTC information broadcast in the navigation messages by all GNSS
Statements from International Union of Radio Science (URSI) on the need for a continuous reference timescale
Validation of a new BIPM calibration system based on GNSS receivers for TWSTFT links
Statistical analysis of H-Masers to improve the long-term stability of UTC
A broadband VLBI system using transportable stations for geodesy and metrology: an alternative approach to the VGOS concept
Sekido M., Leute J., Petit G., et al.
GNSS-to-GNSS Time Offsets: Study on the broadcast of a common reference time
Timekeeping and navigation systems
Analysing and obtaining statistical information on time varying quantities
The BIPM Capacity Building and Knowledge Transfer program on Time Scale Realization
Lasers and ultracold atoms for a changing Earth
Van Camp M., Pereira dos Santos F., Murböck M., Petit G., Müller J.
Testing gravity with cold-atom clocks in space. The ACES mission
Cacciapuoti L., Meynadier F. et al
Intercontinental comparison of optical atomic clocks via very long baseline interferometry.
Search for transient variations of the fine structure constant and dark matter using fiber-linked optical atomic clocks
Roberts B.M., Meynadier F. et al
Precise time scales and navigation systems: mutual benefits of timekeeping and positioning
The Hyperfine Transition for the Definition of the Second
A new test of gravitational redshift using Galileo satellites: The GREAT experiment. Un nouveau test de décalage gravitationnel vers le rouge à l'aide des satellites Galileo : l'expérience GREAT
Delva P., Puchades N., Schönemann C., Dilssner F., Courde C., Bertone S., Gonzalez F., Hees A., Le Poncin-Lafitte C., Meynadier F., Prieto-Cerdeira R., Sohet B., Ventura-Traveset J., Wolf P.
Latest Developments on IPPP Time and Frequency Transfer
The analysis of long-term instability of UTC: a case study
Tests of Galileo and BeiDou Links for UTC
New test of Lorentz Invariance Using the MICROSCOPE Space Mission
Pihan-le Bars H., Guerlin C., Hees A., Peaucelle R., Tasson J.D., Bailey Q.G., Mo G., Delva P., Maynadier F., Touboul P., Métris G., Rodrigues M., Bergé J., Wolf P.
Gravitational redshift test with the future ACES mission
Savalle E., Guerlin C., Delva P., Meynadier F., Le Poncin-Lafitte C., Wolf P.
The BIPM Time Department: report on activity
The 50th anniversary of the atomic second
Geodetic methods to determine the relativistic redshift at the level of 10-18 in the context of international timescales - A review and practical results
Denker H., Timmen L., Voigt C., Weyers S., Peik E., Margolis H.S., Delva P., Wolf P., Petit G.
Recursive Clock Anomalies Detector with Double Exponential Smoothing
Advanced Satellite-Based Frequency Transfer at the 10-16 Level
Fujieda M., Yang S.-H., Gotoh T., Hwang S.-W., Hachisu H., Kim H., Lee Y.-K., Tabuchi R., Ido T., Lee W.-K., Heo M.-S., Park C.Y., Yu D.-H., Petit G.
Absolute frequency measurement of the ytterbium ion E3 optical clock transition using international atomic time
Godun R.M., Baynham C.F.A., Jones J.M., King S.A., Nisbet-Jones P.B.R., Baynes F., Rolland A., Baird P.E.G., Bongs K., Gill P., Petit G., Margolis H.S.
Implementation of SDR TWSTFT in UTC Computation
High accuracy continuous time transfer with GPS IPPP and T2L2
Evaluation of BDS Time Transfer on Multiple Baselines for UTC
High performance clocks and gravity field determination
Müller J., Dirkx D., Kopeikin S.M., Lion G., Panet I., Petit G., Visser P.N.A.M.
Galileo and GNSS Time Offsets
Geodetic methods to determine the relativistic redshift at the level of 10-18 in the context of international timescales - A review and practical results
Denker H., Timmen L., Voigt C., Weyers S., Peik E., Delva P., Wolf P., Petit G.
SI-traceable measurement of an optical frequency at the low 10-16 level without a local primary standard
Absolute frequency measurement with uncertainty below 1×10-15using International Atomic Time
Fully and optimally use the redundancy in a TWSTFT network for accurate time transfer
Pilot study on the validation of the Software-Defined Radio Receiver for TWSTFT -- BIPM contribution to the validation of the SDR for TWSTFT
Long-term instability in UTC time links
Accurate TWSTFT time transfer with indirect links
Experimental research on BeiDou time transfer using the NIM made GNSS time and frequency receivers at the BIPM in Euro-Asia link
UTC time link calibration in the frame of APMP - Campaigns in 2014-2016
Liang K., Zhang A., Yang Z., Wang J.-L., Lin H.T., Wang Y., Yang F., Yang J., Gotoh T., Cai Z., Jiang Z., Mou W.
GPS All in View Time Comparison using Multireceiver Ensemble
Sub 10-16 frequency transfer with IPPP: Recent results
Precise time scales and navigation systems
Statistical tools for time varying quantities
Final report of the BIPM Pilot Study on UTC time link calibration
A TWSTFT calibration guideline and the use of a GPS calibrator for UTC TWSTFT link calibrations
The 2015 TWSTFT calibration for UTC and related time links
The Coordinated Universal Time
Remote optical and fountain clock comparison using broadband TWSTFT and GPS PPP
GPS Time Link Calibrations in the Frame of EURAMET Project 1156
Esteban H., Galindo J., Bauch A., Polewka T., Cerretto G., Costa R., Whibberley P., Uhrich P., Chupin B., Jiang Z.
The second realization of the International Celestial Reference Frame by Very Long Baseline Interferometry
Fey A.L., Arias F.E., et al.
Link calibration or receiver calibration for accurate time transfer?
IAU Working Group for Numerical Standards of Fundamental Astronomy (NSFA): Past efforts and future endeavors
Luzum B., Petit G., et al.
Carrier phase and pseudo-range disagreement as revealed by precise point positioning solutions
International Atomic Time: Status and future challenges
Total delay and total uncertainty in UTC time link calibration
Evolution of the uncertainty of [UTC-UTC(k)]
The algorithm for the generation of UTC : latest improvements
A timescale based on the world's fountain clocks
Advances in multi-GNSS time transfer
Improving the time link calibration for the generation of UTC
Use of the Global Navigation Satellite Systems for the construction of the international time reference UTC
Review and preview of two-way time transfer for UTC generation from TWSTFT to TWOTFT
Progress in the link calibration for UTC time transfer
A new weighting procedure for UTC
The algorithm for the generation of UTC: latest improvements
UTCr: a rapid realization of UTC
Time and Frequency Metrology and its use for Navigation: Status and Proposed Future Research Themes
Accurate determination of the Earth Tidal Parameters at the BIPM to support the watt balance project
Francis O., Rothleitner Ch., Jiang Z.
Accurate GLONASS Time Transfer for the Generation of the Coordinated Universal Time
Use of multi-technique combinations in UTC/TAI time and frequency transfer
Intercomparison of the UTC time transfer links
Reevaluation of the measurement uncertainty of the UTC time transfer
Long-term instability of GPS-based time transfer and proposals for improvements
Jiang Z., Matsakis D., Mitchell S., Breakiron L., Bauh A., Piester D., Maeno H., Bernier L.G
Accurate gravimetry at the BIPM watt balance site
Jiang Z., Pálinkáš V., Francis O., Merlet S., Baumann H., Becker M., Jousset P., Mäkinen J., Schulz H.R., Kessler-Schulz K.U., Svitlov S., Coulomb A., Tisserand L., Hu H., Rothleitner Ch.
The new prediction algorithm for UTC: application and results
The BIPM: International References for Earth Sciences
Relative beam misalignment errors in high accuracy displacement interferometers: calculation and detection
A low-finesse Fabry-Pérot interferometer for use in displacement measurements with applications in absolute gravimetry
Time and frequency transfer combining GLONASS and GPS data
The Updated Precise Gravity Network at the BIPM
Jiang Z., Arias E.F., Tisserand L., Kessler-Schultz K.U., Schultz H.R., Palinkas V., Rothleitner C., Francis O., Becker M.
BIPM Calibration Scheme for UTC Time Links
The updating precise gravity network at BIPM
Jiang Z., Arias F., Tisserand L., et al
Comparison of the GLONASS orbit products for UTC time transfer
A new prediction algorithm for EAL
How can millisecond pulsars transfer the accuracy of atomic time?
Petit G., Cognard I.
The time stability of PPP links for TAI
Petit G., Harmegnies A., Mercier F., Perosanz F., Loyer S.
Impact of new frequency standards on the international time scales
Time and frequency transfer combining GLONASS and GPS data
Interpolation of TW time transfer from measured points onto standard MJD for UTC generation
Toward new procedures in TWSTFT and GNSS delay characterization for UTC time transfer?
Restoring a TWSTFT calibration with a GPS bridge A standard procedure for UTC time transfer
Preliminary result of the BIPM relative gravity measurement campaign during the 8th International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters
Jiang Z., Tisserand L., Kessler-Schultz K.U., Scultz H.R., Palinkas V. Rothleitner C., Francis O., Jousset P., Lequin D., Merlet S., Mäkinen J., Becker M.
Atomic time scales TAI and TT(BIPM): present performances and prospects
The new edition of the IERS Conventions: conventional reference systems and constants
The 2010 reference edition of the IERS Conventions
International time scales at the BIPM: impact and applications
Calibration of TWSTFT links through the triangle closure condition
Fully use the redundancy in TWSTFT and GNSS time and frequency transfer
Use of GLONASS for international time keeping
TWSTFT Activities at Chinese National Time Service Centre
Precise time transfer activities in Singapore
Lui Y., Jiang Z.
Studies and possible improvements on EAL algorithm
Relativistic aspects in astronomical standards and the IERS Conventions
Atomic time scales TAI and TT(BIPM): present status and prospects
Time and Frequency transfer by geodetic GPS: comparison of receivers and computation techniques
Petit G., Bernier L.-G., Uhrich P.
Current status and perspectives of absolute ballistic gravimetry